Sep 15, 2011

In the abdominal cavity long a giant ovarian cyst

The 29-year-old party in April this year found that pregnant women, because have abortion, has been taken defend signs deal with. With the increasing gestational age at, there has always been a cyst is also constantly "), to 16 weeks "child, B ultrasonic display pelvic right capsule piece for the 13 x 8 cm, like a big belly with twins. According to the nanjing century modern maternity hospital maternity discipline leaders LiGuangQin director, like ms party introduced this can lead to TaiWei abnormal or the occurrence of cyst burst, could compromise two lives.

So big of the tumor, the doctor will choose open surgery, but for pregnant women, the operation itself to the pregnant women and the fetus can have an impact. In recent years, international has gradually tendency for during pregnancy benign ovarian undergoing laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery in the feasibility of pregnancy, safety and superiority has been confirmed.
"In the beginning, never thought in the sunshine do surgery, see the sunshine gynecology hospital for four years ago, pengzhou a 83-year-TaiPo succeed in doing ovarian cyst operation before finally decided to undergo surgery." in here Recently, the site of the double in the weeks in sunshine gynecology hospital mother-in-law successfully finished ovarian cyst operation, the whole people feel much better. More than 60 years old her mother-in-law had found the weeks ovarian cyst, need surgery, but her mother-in-law know, weeks old, worry about the risk have been afraid to do surgery. Last month, the hospital for double nan gynecological city district residents free inspection body, weeks to check, doctor and her mother-in-law said, weeks her mother-in-law's ovarian cyst can do surgery ?...
Nanjing century modern maternity hospital LiuZongHua director as a gynaecological minimally invasive surgery, has set up a file which is an example experts pregnant women successfully implemented the cancer patients laparoscopic surgery, but such tumor stripping big weeks of gestation and relatively large ovarian cyst, she has never met. LiuZongHua director in a comprehensive assessment and repeated proof, decided to use after laparoscopic techniques for patients ovarian cyst detachment. The expert consultation, a set of detailed operation plan arises at the historic moment.

In a maternity LiGuangQin director, the director of anesthesiology WangJinChun cooperate, the director of the surgical team LiuZongHua led for the symptoms of ovarian cysts16 weeks pregnant with laparoscopic ovarian cyst stripping operation. Surgery is the most difficult point to the adjacent organs protection, absolutely avoid stimulating uterus, so as not to affect the fetus. First LiuZongHua director carefully out of the cyst puncture capsule, and then carefully liquid ring width mouth, will TaoZa puncture tumor bursa wall intact to divest. Puncture, suction capsule fluid, TaoZa, separation, divest, each step in the process of operation precision in place, those who had surgery with superb medical experts, after an hour and a half successful removal of 13 x 8 cm in diameter of ovarian cyst, abdomen left only three "keyhole" the size of the incision. At present the wound to heal patients with good lady, party is buried in is about to become a new mother's expectation.

Sep 14, 2011

Li mei two years menstrual disorders and often show symptoms

Activities will end experts consultation

JiRongYi director told reporters, although "JinMen sisters trust good doctors" campaign is over, but patients can still be through the Internet and telephone consultation with experts illness or booking specialists, 254 hospital maternity experts will continue to provide quality service for the general patients.

Laparoscopic surgery only in the hole and lower abdominal umbilical do 5 ~ 10 mm puncture, no abdominal surgery long scar. And abdominal operation to compare, laparoscopic surgery patients pelvic adhesion, abdominal surgery less happened, surgical instruments, the operation of the organization's operator extrusion, viscera exposed to air, operation in too much suture omental and peritoneal adhesion wound trend, occurs adhesion inevitable factors. And laparoscopic surgery, no small disturbance of pelvic gauze or suture, etc to the organization, make contact with postoperative basin celiac adhesion far less than the ventral surgery. To some, like endometriosis such easy to adhesion easy recurrent disease, can DuoCi for laparoscopic surgery, not easy also happen DuoCi abdominal surgery pelvic adhesion.

【 advantage four 】 laparoscopic save medical expense

Finally, the author simply calculate a bill. Choose laparoscopic surgery, a length of time is less, can save a part of the money; Second, the medicine, need a lot of expenses for medicine, also can reduce In addition, for surgery, patients a short time the trauma to return to work and patients need another to take care of the problem of nonexistent.

"Surgical" is no longer synonymous with "fear"

No knife surgery lead gynecological micro innovation era

Mention "surgical", average person can think of operation, be in hospital, blood dripping wet scene, gynecological surgery instead of traditional method is mainly treatment, through the hysterectomy destroy fibroids, ablation ovarian cysts in the abdomen or eliminate punched out to preserve life. Lesions But this way for patients physical damage is very big, slow recovery and will leave a scar. This is also causes many patients to delay treatment of malignant change one important reason.

Now in 254 hospital, gynecological surgery occurs in the abdomen and without punching, from natural orifice transluminal treatment, to engage in direct physical damage is very small, do surgery patients suffer no longer, 30 to 50 minutes can complete a uterine fibroids and ovarian cyst operation, genital any need to 30 to 40 minutes, cervix repair was 5-10 minutes, oviduct dredge was 20 minutes or so, the people surgery no more than 15 minutes... The technology is more and more patients or brought good news.

Li mei is two years in hebei province patients often menstrual disorders and show symptoms, through the check found that uterine front wall there is a nearly 7 cm in size fibroids wall, have a 5 cm gland fibroids, a local hospital advice, but 254 hospital hysterectomy WangQiuFang director for her but the "ao Locke superconducting multi-interceptor system" treatment, the operation in just one hour. After treatment, LiMeiJing quantity to normal, dysmenorrhea disappeared. During the free clinic, li mei put a patients with uterine fibroids good sisters also brought to the scene, hope she can also through this operation method to eliminate fibroids.

Oral bear the chewing, language, and other functions

Four) reason unknown factors such as recurrent oral ulcer, etc.

Oral solution reasons of the occurrence and the treatment with a lot of help to you. So once oral cavity mucous membrane trauma, directly or indirectly make oral resulted.

Oral bear the chewing, language, and other functions, oral decay is oral appear canker, local pain oral disease, daily life. So once oral cavity mucous membrane trauma, directly or indirectly make oral solution of disease, oral reasons of the occurrence and the treatment with a lot of help to you.

A common acute polluting oral mucosa of hair the blister venereal change. The herpes simplex virus type Ⅰ caused by the infant of rare oral mucosal disease. The disease is characteristic of the oral mucosa, throat, cornea, genital organs and mouth weeks appear on the skin herpes sex damage. Herpes sex mouth inflammation is also called the simple herpes.

After the burst into shallow in ulcer, alone in the mouth weeks skin person says cold sores. Bleb shows scattered or clusters. The medical teaching. And the collection and collation have self-limited, net to repeated infection.

A, causes: oral canker what is the cause?

A) infection causes of oral canker: (1) : as aureus bacteria infection sex phlogistic, gangrene sex mouth mouth inflammation, etc. (2) the virus infection: such as herpes sex phlogistic, cold sores mouth, etc. (3) the other such as candida infection such as sexual mouth.

Early symptoms gradually increase and formed the mucosa decay. The mucous membrane surface decay is different from general KouChuang performance, because the drug from time to absorb. The canker surface cover hemorrhagic secretion, stain, often cause swelling of the face severe pain, children of comfort for pain and refus feeds.

2) physical and chemical nature damage cause oral canker: such as sexual mouth inflammation, ulcer sex mouth infection such as tobacco.

3) systemic disease oral said: (1) the infectious diseases such as measles, scarlet fever: such as secondary mouth inflammation, glossitis, etc. (2) the absence of sex disease. Nutrition, such as lack of vitamin B and vitamin C and lack of cause gingivitis, glossitis, etc. (3). Blood diseases: such as leukemia, granulocyte deficiency and secondary gingivitis and necrosis how to treat cold soresof the oral mucosa. (4). Metabolism and endocrine disorder factors: the mouth of the secondary diabetes inflammation, pregnancy sex gingivitis, menstrual sex gingivitis, etc. (5). Other such as atopic mouth inflammation, mercury toxic gingivitis, etc.

Often accompanied by mouth bitter, dry mouth, your breath was sore, gum swelling and pain, constipation, a DuoZhong or the effects of the hot like, some patients with bad breath. Role in time. Had better be to choose authoritative experts shall not take effect, use, otherwise easy relapse, and even cause human body other zang-fu organs disorders and imbalances, and then bring serious consequence.

Ovarian cyst at the natural disposition is such as follicular cyst

2. Cystic ovarian tumors were small person such as 6 cm or so or medium size such as cystic teratoma benign tumor, etc.

3. Young or not up to postmenopausal women with bilateral benign ovarian tumor person.

Operation effect 】 【
Starting in June 2008, XiJing hospital medical insurance by the city center, in the original health care access audit foundation, increased its "single disease settlement" authority, from now on, every main patients to hospital medical insurance XiJing do surgery, single disease all can enjoy "go Dutch in part by the hospital" preferential subsidies, even in the hospital patients with food and so on project cost, the hospital will give subsidies.

According to information, can enjoy surgery single diseases including: subsidies of uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst, gallstones (laparoscopic surgery), hernia, appendicitis, lumbar intervertebral disc, etc. Due to the hospital for the extremely poor patients in the relief for most of last year, the benefits of participating in the activity in patients with as many as 3000 people.
The operation result is positive, can amount to radical purpose, postoperative many without sequelae.

Contraindications 】 【

1. The tumor is too big, symptoms of ovarian cystsno normal oarian tissue.

2. Happened infection with a serious around cyst tumor and adhesion, ovarian tissue has no obvious, eliminate border between people.

3. Doubt the malignant.

【 methods 】 anesthesia

Anesthesia epidural or lumbar hemp, not the general anesthesia with feasible.

Sep 13, 2011

Ovarian cyst patients much attention to improve health care

Shanghai huangpu district hospital, director of the center of gynecological MaFei said, uterine fibroids "was" with patients relapse main endocrine disorder that the root cause of the operation, though the removal of the disease, but the disease is still there and internal environment so easy relapse. In addition, the operation is easy to hurt reproductive endocrine system, cause menstruation to be not moved, mottle increase, accelerated aging, etc.

"Uterine fibroids patients need change daily habits, health care, can improve a positive auxiliary therapy effect, but also need to regulate endocrine balance, to control the narrow cyst, prevent recurrence fibroids." Horse say doctors.
A lot of uterine fibroids early have no symptoms, general just B ultrasound examination found. Beijing CiKang hospital experts remind: hope every women can hold at least once a year, make gynaecology fibroids can be found early, convenient treatment, early treatment is the effect of it.

Beijing CiKang hospital laparoscopic system is a set of the domestic and international advanced technology and image display technology endoscopy in a medical equipment. In the endoscopic turn like system has a view Angle, high resolution, brightness, imaging features such as strong clear, TV camera system with high resolution, high sensitivity and other characteristics, it truly reproduce the endoscope acquisition of the image, but dynamic display and video cavity diseased tissue, treatment process and medical records archive. Laparoscopic techniques set inspection, the diagnosis, operation and treatment for an organic whole, apply to the inspection and DuoZhong gynecological disease diagnosis and treatment, almost include all of gynecological surgery, and laparoscopic surgery has small trauma, less painful, quick recovery, no advantages, favored by the vast number of scar of women's welcome.
Horse physicians specializing in fibroids, cystic research and clinical work 40 DuoNian, successively by the Chinese medicine gynecological tumors authority PanChi, Mr Chua's seventh generation successor Shanghai gynecological CaiXiaoSun the country such as old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, DuoCi by Shanghai municipal science and technology achievement prizes. Mr Ma said, prevent illness relapse, fibroids, cysts patients had better use method of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine at present Shanghai modulation of such diseases using the "gynecological kidney ShuGan XieYu spleen, and elimination of the innovation of the silting [diagnosis and treatment scheme for a major breakthrough treatment, has accumulated more than 30000 cases of successful clinical cases.