Aug 31, 2011

Got ovarian cyst should be how to treat

Women have ovarian cyst should be how to treat? Wuhan love of infertility hospital expert introduction, some women ovarian cyst is physiology sex, can be natural retreat, don't need treatment, some women is ovarian cystic neoplasm, this should take removed surgically.

Endometriosis lesions occur in ovarian cysts form on, because cyst can also be found in dark brown sticky paste old blood, be like chocolate, so also says ovarian chocolate cyst, it usually appears as dysmenorrhea, with each menstrual cramps, cyst gradually increase blood, cyst gradually increasing, sometimes even rupture.
Ovarian chocolate capsule have is not, but due to the tumor had dysmenorrhea also impact fertility, patients often very pain, so once suspected, ovarian chocolate cyst should seek medical treatment as soon as possible drug therapy and operation.

Still have a kind of situation is ovarian tumors, benign and malignant points. Benign tumors usually appears as unilateral cyst, activities, exterior smooth, growth slow. Malignant tumor performance for bilateral sex or unilateral, solid or pouch or solid, the uneven surface. But sometimes good malignant tumor in clinical it is difficult to tell.

Ovarian cyst is cystic ovarian tumor with ovarian tumor samples the floorboard of the lesion. Ovarian tumors or tumor-like disorders, also called the in-laws natural disposition is ovarian cyst, occurs in women of child-bearing age, including follicular cyst, lutein cyst, flavin, polycystic ovarian cyst and ovarian chocolate cyst.
Most of the available in two months to disappear, do not need special treatment.

Gynecological census and ultrasound examination of ovarian cyst when found rate is very high, for less than 5 cm in diameter of ovarian cyst, patients don't worry or fear, but should they were followed for 1 to 2 months. As for a living rational cyst, usually will disappear naturally.

If cyst persist, and increase, should consider to have the possibility of cystic ovarian tumor. Ovarian cystic neoplasm, had a benign and malignant cent, are unable to subsidise, should be early surgery.

Ovarian chocolate cyst can pregnant

People with ovarian chocolate cyst is a and painful things, and for want of pregnant women for friends is great pain, so, ovarian chocolate cyst influences pregnant?
Ovarian chocolate cyst is the formation of the membrane in ovarian since in a blood "would still be", but because in ovarian symptoms in heart beats for years, not a permanent retention, the old blood capsule form bag.
Because the old heart beats, with blood can't time add, blood is more and more, capsule is also more and more, and then the eve of the bag has a chance to separate itself, stimulate the abdominal pain, and even cause abortion and infertility.

Follicular cyst is divided into physiological and pathological two kinds, physiologic cyst is because of your follicle ovulation, not break caused in after menstruation ends can disappear naturally; So, you can be in this time period to doing B to exceed know whether cyst disappeared; If it is not of oviposit follicular cyst, can choose 3-5 days in menstruation do sex hormones six checkpoints, diagnosis why not burst follicle. Generally speaking, when diameter less than 5 cm cyst, patients were allowed to cross over, check regularly, if cyst increased are considering removed surgically.

Ovarian cancer may affect not only, even if the pregnancy is pregnant may also be on pregnancy a bad influence. Ovarian cyst in May cause abortion, when results are easy to occur when the second trimester of ovarian cyst's late twist and turn, pregnancy cyst can lead to abnormal shorter lengths TaiWei childbirth, blocking the birth canal may cause during childbirth.
Cyst shift or rupture happen, main show is acute abdominal disease acute abdominal pain, some with nausea vomiting, such as temperature, serious and even shock. If large cysts or acute abdominal pain, it must appear operation; Vice cyst is small, no more than 5 cm in diameter, it depends. Happened after ovarian cyst, we first make clear the property of cyst, is physiology sex or pathology sex, it is benign or malignant.

In ovarian cyst is more common tumors or tumor-like disorders of kind is, one of the most common ovarian follicles cyst and corpus luteum cyst, for childbearing age see more, general diameter less than 5 cm, the wall is thin, the size and the menstrual cycle, usually in the middle period after gradually grow up, and after menstrual cramps shrink or disappear, cyst most in 2 months disappear, may not be special treatment. As a follow-up 1-2 menstrual cycle without narrowing or even increase, should consider to ovarian tumor may, need to further examination.
Pregnancy pelvic congestion, can make the tumor increased rapidly or even cause the progression, and pregnant surgery may be more beneficial than pregnancy surgery. If already pregnant, in 16 to 24 weeks of gestation-when the operation is appropriate, the operation itself does not affect fetal development, but 12 weeks gestation operation easy cause miscarriage, late pregnancy is more difficult operation and easy to cause the premature birth. Other deserves careful, ovarian chocolate cyst recurrence risk as much as 60% or more, but if once a successful pregnancy, but will alleviate symptoms of ovarian chocolate cyst.

Aug 29, 2011

Morning paper test with oviposit period

With oviposit must pay attention to the test paper method

Proper use of the method can get more accurate results. Ovulation dipstick test women is convenient and effective method is oviposit period. But when using some matters need attention.

In the urine of LH induces luteum hormone) can't represent real value. Of a day morning, 1 don't use urine. Because of the accumulation of urine after a night. Test ovulation is the best time of 10 p.m. to early 8 PM.

2 test 2 hours before don't drink lots of water or beverage. Testing in the use of the urine collection vessel to keep clean.

Every day the same moment best detection. 3 from menstrual cramps on day 10 began testing.

10 to 20 minutes observation results, and the test of the paper will have 4 arrow marks the end of the line in the urine (liquid surface insurmountable with the MA X-ray test paper about three seconds) take out after lie flat. Results to 30 minutes reading shall prevail.

The children's hospital completed three general surgery patients baby young boy laparoscopic ovarian cyst eliminate surgery. Among them, the recently. 6 years old kiki (a pseudonym) ovarian cyst, 14 cm in diameter on 2 cases of only 2 months, the children of the baby is ovarian cyst treatment pregnant mother antenatal examination found that the fetus has celiac cystic bag piece, born more than one month when QiuZhi hospital.

Ovulation before 3 days (sperm and egg) to ovulation three days after (eggs and sperm) within a room has the possibility of pregnancy. 5 when oviposit dipstick test to strong positive (two bar as deep as or second bar than the first bar deeper) instructions will be 24 to 48 hours in ovulation.