Aug 18, 2011

Refers to the internal or surface generated ovarian tumors

Simple intuitively, "ovarian cyst" is refers to ovarian internal or surface generating mass. Mass of material is usually in liquid, sometimes also may be solid, liquid or solid mixing. The volume of ovarian cyst is usually small, similar to the peas or cashew so big, also some cyst look like baseball, as even greater.
Experts say, polycystic ovarian cyst is not what disease, but a syndrome. Ovarian and powerful function is in after puberty began to emerging. Women's abundant breast, fine waist, fat buttock is concerned with ovarian excretive estrogen.
In addition, ovarian also has the monthly eduction the responsibility of an ovum. This is located in the "obscure" on a left the organ, between a full range of health. When occurrence problem of hormone level and oviposit, ovarian will get sick. Common ovarian disease has: ovarian function decline, ovarian inflammation, ovarian cyst, polycystic ovary, benign ovarian tumors and ovarian cancer.
In addition, the expert reminds, for large cysts of course should pay attention, because our ovarian itself but the size of a walnut. The following symptoms can tip ovarian cyst:
Male vulnerable to strip naked photos and the provocatively. This is because, women are "touch" type, while men are "visual" type. The man likes to see a woman naked this sexual consciousness, is by the strength of the personal inherent pornography sex and object with the ease of close to the function relation to decide. That is, the more women conceals for men, the position of the psychological the more irritating.
A, dysmenorrhea: before the period began to dysmenorrhea or dysmenorrhea growing.
Second, menstrual disorder: before the rules become no rules, menstruation often make you all thumbs.
Three, infertility, ovarian cyst is one of the lead to infertility cause. This and the size of the cyst and there is no direct relationship, the reason remains to be known.
Will play will be more happy, just and harmonious processing relationship between husband and wife, so one of the ways of new era, what are we more trick to help us keep a happy marriage? Here small make up integrated 39 healthy psychological doctor dimension plus India, and introduced the WaMi keep a happy marriage "hang".
1, marriage is their own thing.
Tradition says that marriage is two families. So many people in the treatment of the marital problems, will be consulting parents' opinions, parents can also be "active" interfere with their children's marriage. In this way, the couple's private space will have been compressed and even be control feeling. So, really happy couple, won't allow others to do for them a decision.

Endometrial cancer more concurrent ovarian cyst

1, ovarian cyst occurs in women without or did not bear woman, pregnancy on ovarian cyst is like have against the role that daily ovulation be caused by ovarian surface epithelial cells damaged repeatedly with ovarian cyst involved.
In addition, breast cancer, endometrium many concurrent ovarian cyst, the three diseases have hormone dependent, is also causes the lady ovarian cyst reasons.
2, genetic and family factors: about 30%-50% of patients with ovarian cyst in patients with cancer have immediate family.
3, environmental factors: developed countries and upper class women ovarian cancer incidence, with high cholesterol diet may be high on. In addition, ionizing radiation and asbestos, talcum powder will affect oocytes and increase induced ovarian cyst opportunity, smoking and vitamins A, C, E and the lack of may also be relevant.
In short, causing the cause of ms ovarian cyst should know, fundamentally to prevention and treatment.
"My space including marriage" and "our space". If a party has put too much emphasis on "my space", and that it will be less and less in common. Therefore, no matter how busy, want to try to take time out together, do something, such as washing the dishes together. These simple housework not take too much physical strength, but can make you in an easy atmosphere for a chat. At this point, if no emergency work, best can turn your cell phone off.
The psychological characteristics of the men decided the men like the feel of women's sexual psychology, men have strong "innate desire" contact with the opposite sex. This accord with a zoology principle: "sex behavior, only male play its enthusiasm, party a is possible." In the love of men and women, men especially want can touch women, because he hope to close feeling of the concrete expression comes out, hope in the heart to be confirmed.

Aug 17, 2011

cause mammary gland hyperplasia

Many women's life and work to bring serious influence. Most of the cyst because of ovarian function of normal change, so, if happen happened progression of ovarian cyst, there might be change for ovarian cancer, so must the early treatment. So, ovarian cyst treatment have? What are those?
Ovarian cyst treatment have? What are those? Beijing Alice gynecology hospital experts said, ovarian cyst if not that is treated, will be a serious threat to the health of the female friends. May give women bring functional cyst, skin of cyst, grout shape cyst and mucous cyst, generally no symptoms. One thousand cyst, patient may lower abdomen or back ache steadily or felt swelling.
Online advice can remove face to face the embarrassment of female friends visit feeling, in the met the warmth of patients with symptoms can be at ease, the first choice in the online consulting experts, avoid face-to-face communication produces pressure, again according to the illness choose regular hospital. At the same time, the experts will also 120 chain for patient privacy protection.

Cysts may also extrusion bladder cause urinary frequency or urination difficulties. Cysts may even have evolved into complications, infection, become distorted, bleeding or blowout. All these symptoms could cause nausea, vomiting, fever and abdominal pain, and must immediately the cyst excision surgery. This kind of cyst occasionally cancerous. In addition to feel bad appetite, weight loss, and abdominal swelling besides, ovarian cancer early usually have no symptoms. Later it will be abdomen and limb swelling phenomenon. Endometritis cyst and more classes of ovarian cyst is different, is usually have signs of disease.
Ovarian cyst treatment have? What are those? For ovarian cyst treatment depends on age, symptoms in patients with malignant change, whether the parts of the cyst, volume, size, growth rate, cause uterine accessories deformation, and whether keep reproductive function and patients wishes and other factors and decide.
Generally take the following measures to different treatment. Less than eight weeks gestation of cyst, no obvious symptoms or nearly postmenopausal women less than 12 weeks of pregnancy the size, normal, no pressure symptoms can be temporarily the observation. On every 3 months to review a, generally in postmenopausal cyst can gradually atrophic. During follow-up found cyst increase or symptoms, should consider surgery. After long-term conservative treatment is invalid or symptoms, large cysts, combined with anemia and grow quickly, should consider the treatment.
Why mammary gland hyperplasia is so high? Experts say, in clinical, generally, working pressure, nervous, stay up late to sleep more than nightlife, and poor eating habits, bring about human body factors such as endocrine disturbance, is the main reason for the high incidence of the disease. But along with the change of life and have the concept of the factors, is mammary gland hyperplasia into another major reason.
Experts say, women hormone balance, but whether abnormal key many female beautiful, and excessive use of skin beauty products, use for a long time containing estrogen cream, these contain hormone cream after the skin to absorb, can cause mammary gland hyperplasia. Experts for example, six months ago, a women's perennial thick makeup appearance results ovarian cysts symptoms serious mammary gland hyperplasia. Under the guidance of a doctor, this women stop using cosmetics two after three months, mammary gland hyperplasia disappears.

Alice gynecology hospital Wolf palace laparoscopic surgical treatment with combination of ovarian cyst image is clear, the inspection, the diagnosis rapid, accurate and reliable, is a new, minimally invasive treatment technology, gynecology, can be used for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up uterine cavity lesions. Not only can determine the laparoscopic lesions of the existing parts, size, appearance and range, and can the organizational structure of the surface of lesions ovarian cysts symptoms meticulous observation, and in direct materials or positioning GuaGong, finish at the same time disease treatment, greatly improving the palace of intra-abdominal disease diagnosis accuracy, update, development and make up for the diagnosis and treatment of the shortcomings of the traditional method.

People with ovarian cyst of women want to know

Ovarian cyst is generalized ovarian tumor, and all kinds of age are sick, but by 20 to 50 years old up to see. Ovarian is human body the smaller of organs, but for DuoZhong diversity tumor good hair site, ovarian tumor can have a variety of different properties and morphology, body function drops, the body ZuZhiYe acidification, caused ovarian cyst.

Ovarian cyst in clinically appear to have a lower abdomen pain, the lower abdomen is unwell, increased leucorrhea, leucorrhea color yellow, leucorrhea peculiar smell, menstrual disorders, and usually the lower abdomen has a solid and painless mass, and sometimes sexual intercourse happens, such as vaginal pain may appear irregular haemorrhage or hair body symptoms such as increased.
"120 chain" website is the new period gynecological consultation on the basis of the national policy and under legal laws and regulations, the state health department responded positively to gynecological disease census and produce, called on the level is to serve 0.1 billion female friends health home online. At present, 120 chain for public service, major authority with incomparable the credibility and the influence of the unique won the 70 million angel investment, for the construction of a special care for women's health, to solve the question of women's health information platform, in order to become more professional services to the women to close.
120 chain information information and online consulting service completely free, never any fees in disguised form, the public welfare principle of service at any time all can't change.
According to the center controller introduces, although only the hospital medical center of a analysis report, but the women surveyed covered urban rural industries, with universal and representative, can the science to reflect our city in the health of women.
Southwest hospital medical center to 2009 year 43220 women to the medical examination of the physical examination report, including analysis found that mammary gland hyperplasia of women with 14681 people, or nearly 34% of the number of physical examination, mammary gland hyperplasia become women's health number one "killer". Women into 20 to 50 years old this age, all kinds of disease of mammary gland hyperplasia is. Analysis also found, 41 years old ~ 50 women aged, is mammary gland hyperplasia of the peak stage, as high as 43.645%.

For ovarian cyst treatment cost of problem, want to consider the many problems, for ovarian cyst cost problem is more sensitive to everyone. Ovarian cyst treatment with a lot of factors related to the price.
1, ovarian cyst treatment costs and ovarian cyst treatment has the very big relations. This because of the different treatment requirements of the technical level and technical equipment is very different.

Ultrasound scan detection cyst

If it is functional cyst, check again when cysts may shrink or disappear. If cyst not disappear or just gets pain, it is necessary to make serum CA125 testing to measure blood protein content, as the cancer indicators. Whether
Caution must be the test is not very accurate, because the cancer disease such as endometriosis or pelvic infection patients may also present the high protein content.
If cyst is too big must use traditional laparotomy excision. The operation was the general anesthesia, hole in the abdomen. Cyst excision immediately after in the operating room in a frozen section microscopic test to determine cyst is benign or malignant. If the benign, will remove the ovarian cyst suture good, it's all over. If this is a malignant, must be further will ovarian even hysterectomy.
Beijing 466 gynecological break traditional, introducing high-tech navigation microelectrode system will appear to ovarian cyst diagnosis and treatment became an easy, to ovarian cyst of the patients to bring the Gospel.
Yesterday, by southwest hospital medical center statistical analysis of the first women's physical examination report, the year of 2009 to 43220 20-100 years of age women's physical findings system medical analysis found that women's mammary gland hyperplasia, cervical erosion, cervical hypertrophy, ovarian cyst, vaginitis, uterine fibroids in diseases such as the highest incidence of women, disease of mammary gland hyperplasia occupy "top".
For this, expert warned women, should be alert.
To prevent such gynecological diseases
{1} the female should check their own breast changes on time, especially in 20 years old the female, along with the increase of age, should increase check frequency. Unidentified bag piece, have sense pain reaction, in time to hospital diagnosis.

The above is aimed at "ovarian cyst want how to be treated" introduction, Beijing 466 hospital department experts remind, with ovarian cyst of the patients must to professional hospital as soon as possible, the disease to minimize damage.

Aug 16, 2011

Ovarian cyst of all women want to know the problem

Once found cyst, for diagnosis whether to belong to cancer, doctors can scan the ultrasonic detection cyst is contained only liquid or containing liquid and solid mixture. There is a mixture of cancer cells in megabytes. The doctor will carefully observe and record of the cyst position and size more details, next time again after menstruation to provide reference for testing the use of and compared.
If it is functional cyst, check again when cysts may shrink or disappear. If cyst not disappear or just gets pain, it is necessary to make serum CA125 testing to measure blood protein content, as the cancer indicators. Whether Caution must be the test is not very accurate, because the cancer disease such as endometriosis or pelvic infection patients may also present the high protein content.
If cyst is too big must use traditional laparotomy excision.
The secret of cancer prevention is very simple, is often eat alkalescent food to prevent the accumulation of acidic waste, because of the body fluids environment, is the acidification of the normal cellular canceration of the fertile soil, adjust the body fluids, acid-base is the effective way to prevent cancer.
A) develop A good life habit, quit smoking limit alcohol.
B) don't eat too much salt and spicy food, do not eat too overheat, cold, outdated and bad food.
C) a good state of mind deal with the stress, combining exertion, don't overly tired.
D) strengthen physical exercise, strengthen physical endowment. E) life to rule, habits and customs.
1, increased leucorrhea increased leucorrhea: for cervical erosion main symptom, sometimes even the only symptoms. Because of the different pathogens, and the range of erosion and degree of difference, the character of the leucorrhea is also different. Such as infection, inflammation is not obvious leucorrhea basically for transparent mucous; If the cervical erosion without significant inflammation infection, leucorrhea, yellow purulent sex, sticky stiff shape.
2, bladder symptoms: severe cervical erosion of inflammation can spread or direct spread to the bladder, so as to stimulate the appropriate bladder in frequency, urine pain symptoms, sometimes also can be secondary to the urinary tract infection.
3, sometimes in after sex will be contact bleeding or irregular vaginal bleeding, also can appear frequency. When spread to the pelvic inflammation, also can appear the lumbosacral ache, the lower abdomen bilge and dysmenorrhea, fell during the menstrual period, defecate or sex symptom aggravating when.

Abdominal pain suddenly can keep her several desire to faint

Don't bring subsidies for for heart steadfast
See "community" of the haihe river women expert guidance, ms wong hurriedly applied. "I definitely 3 armour hospital these famous gynecologic experts. Even if their situation is not within the scope of subsidies, also want to sign up. After all, find a good doctor is the most important." Later, the staff will be the 464 hospital gynecology and obstetrics's Locke technology to recommend to the ms wong and for the appointment of ZhengDeLan expert reviews the doctor.
Accord with surgical indications subsidies as brought
Careful preoperative examination, the doctor said patients zheng ovarian cyst is most likely to take medicine of oviposit promoting. Because in the clinical and ovulation side effects of the drug are quite obvious, ovarian in drug stimulating constantly ovulation, easy to cause the female menstruation to be not moved, ovarian appear premature senility, oarian hyperstimulation syndrome, a few people may suffer from ovarian cancer. Fortunately, the cyst whatever position or patients size are very suitable for the clinic's Locke navigation microelectrode system for treatment. Not only won't affect later birth, and for as long as a short break to recover.
Ms wong on the day after the operation, leading to a 400 yuan of disease subsidies.
The expert reminds: take a drug can result in serious disease
464 hospital gynecologic experts ZhengDeLan introduction, pharmacological effects of pregnancy, produce a violation of the normal physiological reaction, in clinical doctors don't advocate patients to use at will promote ovulation drugs. Even if drugs or a human form by maternal twins or multiple births, the mother during pregnancy, and will also take huge risks, easy to create all sorts of obstetrics, fetal also easy to appear complication of malnutrition, low weight, etc. Therefore, promote ovulation drugs in accordance with the doctor's only commonly the female because treatment not ovulation and cause infertility.
In addition, zheng doctor special remind promote ovulation medicine is a certain function, but very dangerous, and normal women of reproductive age in after eating may not produce twins not only, and still easy to other side effects, so, don't try.
Ovarian cyst in clinically appear to have a lower abdomen pain, the lower abdomen is unwell, increased leucorrhea, leucorrhea color yellow, leucorrhea peculiar smell, menstrual disorders, and usually the lower abdomen has a solid and painless swollen fast, and sometimes sexual pain will happen. When cyst affect hormone production, such as irregular vaginal bleeding may appear the symptom such as increased body or hair. Cyst and shift, there are severe abdominal pain abdomen account, difficulty breathing, reduce appetite, nausea and fever, etc. Larger cysts in bladder will cause cause emiction frequency, near oppression and voiding difficulties. Especially when these symptoms is more serious, bleeding frequent and presented at the same time, women had a higher risk of ovarian cyst, malignant lesions of ovarian cancer is more harm.

Successful lifted the multiple uterine fibroids troubles

Belly protruding classics quantity is more
Uterine fibroids are to blame
LiuZhongMin is a university teacher. The PI county recently In April this year, in the annual routine medical school, she was found with multiple uterine fibroids, the biggest diameter is 2.9 cm, fibroids the rest of the size is differ, rough--have 3, 4 star! With a B to exceed the results, ms liu suddenly realize: so this half a year to abdominal fat is not out more and more middle-aged "", through the increases amount is not" nutrition surplus "is this all uterine fibroids in time!
As a teacher, and she certainly knows he is ill he had to put to truth, know more choose to the hospital and technology is the key! She is the principle of "three-no" removal of the uterus, not because she knew the uterus for a woman is how important; Don't operation, because the appendicitis surgical operation ten years ago, let her bitter pain pain in the neck; Don't be in hospital, because the senior students in June to deal with formalities in graduation, she is really not drag!!!!!
Reassure DuoZhong concerns
DuoGe fibroids easily remove ablation
Teacher liu got that colleagues Korea uterine fibroids, eager to tell her, his cousin from 20, ovarian cyst, not long ago in chengdu military area command authority do minimally invasive gynecology hospital navigation microelectrode treatment, the effect is very ideal, the first-class technology exquisite, medical skills, is the leader of the chengdu gynecology!!!!! Have the experience of the people around, and this was a public hospital forces is trustworthy, ms liu dialed the 028 8641 0992, call to make an appointment.
On May 27, ms liu leave came to located in people's middle section 3 of manjusri across the courtyard (no. 20) military hospital authority minimally invasive gynecology. In the three routine preoperative, liver function, electrocardiogram, etc, director of the WuLiYing gynecologic examination told she fully comply with uterine fibroids minimally invasive ablation therapy condition. Surgery in outpatient service with sterile operating room.
Got ovarian cyst? This is a lot of patients want to know. Ovarian is an important part in the female reproductive organs, because its complicated structure is easy to attack the tumor. Among them, ovarian cyst is very common. When women suffer from ovarian cyst, women of the normal work and life has been affected, therefore, women should actively for treatment. Please look at the Beijing 466 hospital gynecologic experts in the paper.
Got ovarian cyst? Beijing 466 hospital experts recommend cavity mirrors surgery, no damage to the surrounding tissue organization without carbide, no adhesion edge, do not affect pathologic examination results, safe and reliable operation, short time, patients without painful, need not be in hospital, surgery can live and work as usual, economic, convenient, this technology to achieve remedial goal and at the same time in, still can effectively protect the integrity of the female reproductive organs, do not affect a woman's fertility function.

Aug 15, 2011

Ovarian cyst can happen at any age of women

Ovarian cyst is refers to the ovary cystic mass appear, reason of disease of also is not very clear. Ovarian cyst is ovarian cancer, may be benign, can also be malignant, so the disease, the first to find after diagnosis is benign or malignant.
Ovarian cyst means of inspection
Ovarian cyst usually by gynecologic census and ultrasound examination of the discovery. In when necessary needs laparoscopic surgery, serologic examinations tumor factors such as the abnormal situation out.
Gynaecology: gynecological conventional check, if you find one or two sides cystic or substantial spherical bump and other pelvic abnormal situation, all should further used various methods of follow-up.
Gynecological consulting experts point out that, women "become ugly" need to prevent the occurrence of ovarian cyst. So, what are the symptoms of ovarian cyst? ­ ovarian cyst of therapy is?? What ­

At ordinary times without pain, why would the body to ovarian cyst ­
Gynecological consulting expert introduction, psychological stress, long-term diet structure, bad habits to factors such as excessive acidification, human body constitution overall function drops, cause kidney empty, kidney and liver, kidney homologous ovarian cyst pathological deficiency, and cause liver also virtual under-focusing the metabolic circulation slow, cause ovarian endocrine disorder, disease and immune function drops, and development for ovarian tissue, abnormal growths, ultimately leads to ovarian cyst.

Huge ovarian cyst of Korea's mother-in-law

Huge ovarian cyst of Korea this year at the age of 86, her mother-in-law's mother-in-law, 56 years old when he found that uterine prolapse, started the cervical fell to the uterus, then the whole vagina and bladder were off to the vagina, drop the in vitro uterus everywhere with clothes, produce friction most uncomfortable, but Korea's mother-in-law has been endure. But in the end of last month, she can't work out small
The show, was as children to business hospital.
The doctor check, Korea's mother-in-law whole found the uterus and part of the bladder, rectum off the in vitro, B ultrasonic found her in the pelvic cavity of a 9 x8 cm long the great ovarian cyst.
As business HeLinXia gynecologic experts, August 1, SongXiaoJie with Korea her mother-in-law's vagina as natural operation channel, for she removed the uterus and huge egg cyst piece of the bladder, and rectal back, and fixed the pelvic ligament, did before and after vaginal wall of repair.
As business hospital department director SongXiaoJie introduction, the hospital will receive a week's mother-in-law such high
Age uterine prolapse patients. The uterus is made to ligament suspension inside pelvic cavity, these old man when young children too much production plus postpartum rest is bad, ligament flabby, slowly in old age easily happened uterine prolapse. If found not in time when in medical treatment, will be more and more serious, which eventually led to urinate difficult or even urine incontinence.
In China in recent years with the improvement of living standards and eating habits, and in close part of westernization in women abuse such as abundant breast, reduce weight, and slow down the aging hormone drugs and supplements, make ovarian tumor is the high incidence of, younger trend may also have relevant.
The above is to cause ovarian cyst factors introduction, the expert reminds, ovarian cyst harm has a lot of, in order to stay away from ovarian cyst worry, will pay attention to these lead to ovarian cyst factors, to the prevention and control of the disease.

Pregnancy change the position of the appendix

During pregnancy, the uterus increases the cecum to outside and make up, backward shift, the appendix relative position is deep, and will the parietal peritoneum open, make the appendix inflammation limitation and not easily to perforation, peritonitis. Pregnancy in late March 2 iliac crest refers to the end of may, pregnancy of iliac crest level, pregnancy late August rose to iliac crest on 2 horizontal refers to pregnancy can reach the gallbladder, term area. Postpartum 10 to 12 return to a nonpregnant level.
Second, clinical manifestation and diagnosis
1. In early pregnancy symptoms, physical signs: acute appendicitis with the pregnancy acute appendicitis basic same when.
2. Late in pregnancy, acute appendicitis: with the pregnancy performance is different. For enlarged uterus cause the appendix shift, tenderness point rise; Because the appendix is located in peritoneal depths, be enlarged uterus cover, make the signs not typical limitations peritonitis. The appendix is located in the uterus, pain may be behind in the right the waist. White blood cells to help diagnosis is not big, but > 15 x 109 / L diagnostic significance when. Also have increased the white blood cells is not obvious.
Three, differential diagnosis
1. In early pregnancy: must be the right ovarian cyst on the right's turn, broken non-reptured tubal preghancy identification.
2. Gestation: should with ovarian cyst on the right, the right's turn of the renal pelvis water, the right of acute pyelonephritis, the right of ureteral calculi, acute cholecystitis identification.
3. The late pregnancy and childbirth aura:, abruption, pregnancy acute fatty liver, uterine fibroids red become identification.
4. During delivery and uterine rupture identify. :
5. And ChanRu infection in puerperium: identify.
Four, treatment
1. The treatment principles: confirmed in application, large dose broad-spectrum antibiotics were at the same time, surgical treatment immediately, especially middle-late pregnancy. Because once concurrent perforation and diffuse peritonitis, all can cause of maternal and infant serious consequences.
2. The following conditions can first cesarean section
(1) exposed in the appendix difficult operation.
(2) perforation diffuse sexual peritonitis, pelvic infection with serious, the womb and the placenta for signs of infection.
(3) close to the due date or fetus mature, has the basic survival ability concrete.
1, genetic factors
According to statistics, cause ovarian cyst factors 20-25% of ovarian tumor patients and family history.
2, endocrine factors
Ovarian are small, but produce eggs and ovulation, endocrine hormone balance, the endocrine important organ, ovarian tumor occurs more often in endocrine vigorous child-bearing age. So think about and endocrine disturbance.
3, environment and lifestyle factors
Cause ovarian cyst of factors include the pollution of food, such as vegetables, the use of plant growth hormone, such as livestock and poultry raising of pure class formula of lean lean hormone ingredients. The study also found that, the European and American countries ovarian tumor the high incidence of may and food high in cholesterol in a relationship.