Sep 14, 2011

Oral bear the chewing, language, and other functions

Four) reason unknown factors such as recurrent oral ulcer, etc.

Oral solution reasons of the occurrence and the treatment with a lot of help to you. So once oral cavity mucous membrane trauma, directly or indirectly make oral resulted.

Oral bear the chewing, language, and other functions, oral decay is oral appear canker, local pain oral disease, daily life. So once oral cavity mucous membrane trauma, directly or indirectly make oral solution of disease, oral reasons of the occurrence and the treatment with a lot of help to you.

A common acute polluting oral mucosa of hair the blister venereal change. The herpes simplex virus type Ⅰ caused by the infant of rare oral mucosal disease. The disease is characteristic of the oral mucosa, throat, cornea, genital organs and mouth weeks appear on the skin herpes sex damage. Herpes sex mouth inflammation is also called the simple herpes.

After the burst into shallow in ulcer, alone in the mouth weeks skin person says cold sores. Bleb shows scattered or clusters. The medical teaching. And the collection and collation have self-limited, net to repeated infection.

A, causes: oral canker what is the cause?

A) infection causes of oral canker: (1) : as aureus bacteria infection sex phlogistic, gangrene sex mouth mouth inflammation, etc. (2) the virus infection: such as herpes sex phlogistic, cold sores mouth, etc. (3) the other such as candida infection such as sexual mouth.

Early symptoms gradually increase and formed the mucosa decay. The mucous membrane surface decay is different from general KouChuang performance, because the drug from time to absorb. The canker surface cover hemorrhagic secretion, stain, often cause swelling of the face severe pain, children of comfort for pain and refus feeds.

2) physical and chemical nature damage cause oral canker: such as sexual mouth inflammation, ulcer sex mouth infection such as tobacco.

3) systemic disease oral said: (1) the infectious diseases such as measles, scarlet fever: such as secondary mouth inflammation, glossitis, etc. (2) the absence of sex disease. Nutrition, such as lack of vitamin B and vitamin C and lack of cause gingivitis, glossitis, etc. (3). Blood diseases: such as leukemia, granulocyte deficiency and secondary gingivitis and necrosis how to treat cold soresof the oral mucosa. (4). Metabolism and endocrine disorder factors: the mouth of the secondary diabetes inflammation, pregnancy sex gingivitis, menstrual sex gingivitis, etc. (5). Other such as atopic mouth inflammation, mercury toxic gingivitis, etc.

Often accompanied by mouth bitter, dry mouth, your breath was sore, gum swelling and pain, constipation, a DuoZhong or the effects of the hot like, some patients with bad breath. Role in time. Had better be to choose authoritative experts shall not take effect, use, otherwise easy relapse, and even cause human body other zang-fu organs disorders and imbalances, and then bring serious consequence.

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