Sep 26, 2011

Ovarian cyst is ovarian tumor of

1, chocolate cyst (endometriosis tumor), it is to point to long in ovarian endometriosis within in ovarian formed in a large, sticky brown as chocolate ovarian cysts symptoms shape of liquid. For endometriosis tumor will increase with time is large, gradually eroded the normal tissue, cause ovarian tissue irreversible damage. After assessment of the severity, may need surgery processing.

2, hemorrhagic cyst, sometimes follicular cysts and lutein cyst tachycardia, cause ovarian growth of the organization and burst blood. In These blood because no exit and product in ovarian, is called a hemorrhagic cyst. This kind of cyst general will disappear but themselves for a longer period of time. If the body unwell phenomenon is obvious, can be drug relief of symptoms. Only in a few cases, the patient has a serious symptoms only necessary operation resection.
Pathology sex cyst: common are teratoma, mucous sex or slurry cysts, and caused by endometriosis of chocolate cyst, etc, this pathological cyst long to a certain size, will happen, rupture, infection's turn, have certain malignant transformation rate, and once development for ovarian cancer treatment, and was more difficult, and transfer rate is very high, so, pathologic ovarian cyst patients should be caused take seriously, timely treatment.

(1) if patients with fertility requirement: young, by laparoscopic resection. Strip cyst And the traditional open surgery treatment of ovarian cyst, minimally invasive surgery painlessly, compared with less bleeding and postoperative recovery and keep the function of the ovaries intact.

(2) if the patient age, barren requirement: laparoscopic resection in descending ovary.
3, teratoma, this is a very special cyst, may be on the embryonic cell differentiation on wrong, after a long time to show it. It will in ovarian generated in hair, teeth and some oil kind of gathered themselves together. Because by itself will not disappear, teratoma and could continually growing, and another 15% probability can cause ovarian torsion, so best early resection. Generally speaking the ratio of malignant is less than one over one thousand.

Sep 25, 2011

Threat to women's health ovarian cyst is gynecological diseases

Ovarian cyst is ovarian cystic mass collectively, it for the body to the harm of the treatment, ovarian cysts symptoms and it all depends on the age, symptoms in patients with malignant change, whether the parts of the cyst, volume, size, growth rate, cause uterine accessories deformation, and whether keep reproductive function and patients wishes and other factors and decide.

Suggest ovarian cyst patients don't panic fear, in today's medical level of updates and development for disease, have very good treatment. Expert advice: patients more exercises, keep a happy mood, go to professional hospital symptomatic treatment, from the disease as soon as possible to go out.

So how to treatment of ovarian cyst? How eye make of the method is the best, the most suitable? Treatment of ovarian cyst, you should tell right cyst is physiological cysts or pathological cyst. To suit the remedy to the case:

1) cyst burst, endanger life: when ovarian cyst growth to a certain size, there may be complications: infection, cyst, bleeding or rupture's turn, endanger women's life.

2) women face premature aging: ovarian cyst can cause endocrine disorders, premature senility, evil change, even cause ovarian cancer.

3) cause abortion, childbirth: ovarian cyst in May cause abortion, when results are easy to occur when the second trimester of ovarian cyst's late twist and turn, pregnancy cyst can lead to tire shorter lengths

Physiological cyst: such as flavin cyst, and the menstrual cycle and pregnancy and other relevant, need not use drug, most will disappear, the more don't need to surgery.

Sep 20, 2011

All the hearts and souls into silence gave her favorite doctor career

Mr. Su in 98 and his wife get married, because the family conditions is not very good, and hasn't been to have children. Until then, work a little stability, two people to discuss the have a child. But, just like that, in the past year, his wife always can't pregnant with the baby. The decline, the whole family panic, neighbors started gossiping, two of them feel unbearable heavy pressure, in the heart very uncomfortable. A few days later, he and his wife to a hospital, a check, the wife had polycystic ovary syndrome, the doctor suggested that she take medicine, result a is eat 3 years, but still not pregnant. At that time, all the men of his house are nasty, parents find folk prescription medicine, the trustor everywhere but still no effect.

In, when the friend introduction, Mr. Su with his wife came to hangzhou wide benevolence hospital, receive their is dr. Infertility, director of the JiXueMei experts. Upon examination, JiXueMei director told him, his wife is mainly caused by polycystic ovary syndrome follicular is bad, the need to do the operation. At first they worry a bit, but in JiXueMei director persuasion, two people finally obey the arrangement of the director's. JiXueMei director for his wife implemented a laparoscopic ovarian DaKongShu. After four months, two people to go to a hospital checking, didn't think his wife martina.
Laparoscopic surgical treatment of diseases including: all kinds of ectopic pregnancy, fallopian tube sterilization operation; Infertility, uterine and sterilization ring outbound; Ovarian cyst, cancer, ovarian corpus luteum rupture, polycystic ovarian syndrome; Uterine fibroids, uterine prolapse, function, tonal uterine bleeding; Endometriosis, of abenomyosis, ovarian chocolate cyst; Pelvic inflammation and pelvic abscess; Unknown etiology of chronic pelvic pain, properties of preoperative diagnosis of unknown mass, ovarian tissue biopsies.

Experts say, laparoscopic can replace most of the ventral laparotomy, a typical example is pelvic inflammatory adhesion bag piece, due to the use of laparoscopic, all the patients and physicians to avoid the blind open art, on the other hand laparoscopic techniques of surgery can also diagnosis treatment, especially in ectopic pregnancy, ovarian rupture, infertility in diseases such as its advantages, is more obvious.
Over the past five years, but now the son was five years old. At this moment, looking at aside the son of jump, Mr. Su face is permeated with a kind of say a happiness, his deep feeling ground say to you: "happy is the son, I now very satisfied......"

How many days and nights into a "SongZi compose view sound"

Twenty years ago, JiXueMei or a youth, when looking at the age of infertility patients anxious helpless even despair of look in the eyes, she decided, must overcome this treatment of infertility problems in the field of academic a growing problem. In the later days, with a for the people to troubleshoot the heart, she began to infertility treatment for further study and communication and research.

Sep 19, 2011

Everyone also ask ovarian cyst is need surgery

[KongWeiMin] ovarian cyst is also a very wide concept, in the words into a lot of class to points, preliminary points in medicine has a word at the how to treat cold soresnatural disposition is ovarian.

For example we the most common ovarian cyst make B to exceed three or four cm cyst is, many is physiology sex, is no metabolism, this small cyst finished three general four months or half an year will disappear, this case do surgery is worth.

So we had a definition of cyst, if pure benign cyst 6 cm below we also don't do surgery, unless the B super said it is rich in blood flow, including a while also can and everybody say tumor markers, a cyst doctor let blood check CAA125 this is judge cyst is benign or malignant a sign, especially now that woman cavity mirrors can be more advanced see need not to need surgery.
Includes general of pelvic infection, including ovarian chocolate cyst CAA125 will also have a rise. In the good doctor web site we also mention it how to scientifically understand it, is not necessarily the cancer, not increase rise not not cancer, this also is now the scientific development is still is not very ideal situation. So we doctors to science, a combination of many aspects, it is the analysis judgment benign possibility or the possibility of malignant. There is no such a marker say as long as a blood cancer, as long as the high is not gao not cancer, there is no such a good standard.
[the] did someone asked CAA125 is what, is the value that had ovarian cancer work?

[KongWeiMin] we call it tumor markers, I through the blood tests can be sure it is a malignant, if did not have ovarian cancer this thing out is normal, it is the ideal, but so far no such a marker is so ideal.

[the] because it is from the inside out tumor blood the reliable?

[KongWeiMin] most tumor will release some material to blood inside, such as cervical cancer inside, there is a squamous cell carcinoma, flocking cancer these are not absolute, CAA125 also is such, but this was the first in ovarian cancer or, for example, more than I CAA125 is highly suggestive of is a malignant may. But some range is not very high rise in general is not malignant tumors.

Sep 15, 2011

In the abdominal cavity long a giant ovarian cyst

The 29-year-old party in April this year found that pregnant women, because have abortion, has been taken defend signs deal with. With the increasing gestational age at, there has always been a cyst is also constantly "), to 16 weeks "child, B ultrasonic display pelvic right capsule piece for the 13 x 8 cm, like a big belly with twins. According to the nanjing century modern maternity hospital maternity discipline leaders LiGuangQin director, like ms party introduced this can lead to TaiWei abnormal or the occurrence of cyst burst, could compromise two lives.

So big of the tumor, the doctor will choose open surgery, but for pregnant women, the operation itself to the pregnant women and the fetus can have an impact. In recent years, international has gradually tendency for during pregnancy benign ovarian undergoing laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery in the feasibility of pregnancy, safety and superiority has been confirmed.
"In the beginning, never thought in the sunshine do surgery, see the sunshine gynecology hospital for four years ago, pengzhou a 83-year-TaiPo succeed in doing ovarian cyst operation before finally decided to undergo surgery." in here Recently, the site of the double in the weeks in sunshine gynecology hospital mother-in-law successfully finished ovarian cyst operation, the whole people feel much better. More than 60 years old her mother-in-law had found the weeks ovarian cyst, need surgery, but her mother-in-law know, weeks old, worry about the risk have been afraid to do surgery. Last month, the hospital for double nan gynecological city district residents free inspection body, weeks to check, doctor and her mother-in-law said, weeks her mother-in-law's ovarian cyst can do surgery ?...
Nanjing century modern maternity hospital LiuZongHua director as a gynaecological minimally invasive surgery, has set up a file which is an example experts pregnant women successfully implemented the cancer patients laparoscopic surgery, but such tumor stripping big weeks of gestation and relatively large ovarian cyst, she has never met. LiuZongHua director in a comprehensive assessment and repeated proof, decided to use after laparoscopic techniques for patients ovarian cyst detachment. The expert consultation, a set of detailed operation plan arises at the historic moment.

In a maternity LiGuangQin director, the director of anesthesiology WangJinChun cooperate, the director of the surgical team LiuZongHua led for the symptoms of ovarian cysts16 weeks pregnant with laparoscopic ovarian cyst stripping operation. Surgery is the most difficult point to the adjacent organs protection, absolutely avoid stimulating uterus, so as not to affect the fetus. First LiuZongHua director carefully out of the cyst puncture capsule, and then carefully liquid ring width mouth, will TaoZa puncture tumor bursa wall intact to divest. Puncture, suction capsule fluid, TaoZa, separation, divest, each step in the process of operation precision in place, those who had surgery with superb medical experts, after an hour and a half successful removal of 13 x 8 cm in diameter of ovarian cyst, abdomen left only three "keyhole" the size of the incision. At present the wound to heal patients with good lady, party is buried in is about to become a new mother's expectation.

Sep 14, 2011

Li mei two years menstrual disorders and often show symptoms

Activities will end experts consultation

JiRongYi director told reporters, although "JinMen sisters trust good doctors" campaign is over, but patients can still be through the Internet and telephone consultation with experts illness or booking specialists, 254 hospital maternity experts will continue to provide quality service for the general patients.

Laparoscopic surgery only in the hole and lower abdominal umbilical do 5 ~ 10 mm puncture, no abdominal surgery long scar. And abdominal operation to compare, laparoscopic surgery patients pelvic adhesion, abdominal surgery less happened, surgical instruments, the operation of the organization's operator extrusion, viscera exposed to air, operation in too much suture omental and peritoneal adhesion wound trend, occurs adhesion inevitable factors. And laparoscopic surgery, no small disturbance of pelvic gauze or suture, etc to the organization, make contact with postoperative basin celiac adhesion far less than the ventral surgery. To some, like endometriosis such easy to adhesion easy recurrent disease, can DuoCi for laparoscopic surgery, not easy also happen DuoCi abdominal surgery pelvic adhesion.

【 advantage four 】 laparoscopic save medical expense

Finally, the author simply calculate a bill. Choose laparoscopic surgery, a length of time is less, can save a part of the money; Second, the medicine, need a lot of expenses for medicine, also can reduce In addition, for surgery, patients a short time the trauma to return to work and patients need another to take care of the problem of nonexistent.

"Surgical" is no longer synonymous with "fear"

No knife surgery lead gynecological micro innovation era

Mention "surgical", average person can think of operation, be in hospital, blood dripping wet scene, gynecological surgery instead of traditional method is mainly treatment, through the hysterectomy destroy fibroids, ablation ovarian cysts in the abdomen or eliminate punched out to preserve life. Lesions But this way for patients physical damage is very big, slow recovery and will leave a scar. This is also causes many patients to delay treatment of malignant change one important reason.

Now in 254 hospital, gynecological surgery occurs in the abdomen and without punching, from natural orifice transluminal treatment, to engage in direct physical damage is very small, do surgery patients suffer no longer, 30 to 50 minutes can complete a uterine fibroids and ovarian cyst operation, genital any need to 30 to 40 minutes, cervix repair was 5-10 minutes, oviduct dredge was 20 minutes or so, the people surgery no more than 15 minutes... The technology is more and more patients or brought good news.

Li mei is two years in hebei province patients often menstrual disorders and show symptoms, through the check found that uterine front wall there is a nearly 7 cm in size fibroids wall, have a 5 cm gland fibroids, a local hospital advice, but 254 hospital hysterectomy WangQiuFang director for her but the "ao Locke superconducting multi-interceptor system" treatment, the operation in just one hour. After treatment, LiMeiJing quantity to normal, dysmenorrhea disappeared. During the free clinic, li mei put a patients with uterine fibroids good sisters also brought to the scene, hope she can also through this operation method to eliminate fibroids.

Oral bear the chewing, language, and other functions

Four) reason unknown factors such as recurrent oral ulcer, etc.

Oral solution reasons of the occurrence and the treatment with a lot of help to you. So once oral cavity mucous membrane trauma, directly or indirectly make oral resulted.

Oral bear the chewing, language, and other functions, oral decay is oral appear canker, local pain oral disease, daily life. So once oral cavity mucous membrane trauma, directly or indirectly make oral solution of disease, oral reasons of the occurrence and the treatment with a lot of help to you.

A common acute polluting oral mucosa of hair the blister venereal change. The herpes simplex virus type Ⅰ caused by the infant of rare oral mucosal disease. The disease is characteristic of the oral mucosa, throat, cornea, genital organs and mouth weeks appear on the skin herpes sex damage. Herpes sex mouth inflammation is also called the simple herpes.

After the burst into shallow in ulcer, alone in the mouth weeks skin person says cold sores. Bleb shows scattered or clusters. The medical teaching. And the collection and collation have self-limited, net to repeated infection.

A, causes: oral canker what is the cause?

A) infection causes of oral canker: (1) : as aureus bacteria infection sex phlogistic, gangrene sex mouth mouth inflammation, etc. (2) the virus infection: such as herpes sex phlogistic, cold sores mouth, etc. (3) the other such as candida infection such as sexual mouth.

Early symptoms gradually increase and formed the mucosa decay. The mucous membrane surface decay is different from general KouChuang performance, because the drug from time to absorb. The canker surface cover hemorrhagic secretion, stain, often cause swelling of the face severe pain, children of comfort for pain and refus feeds.

2) physical and chemical nature damage cause oral canker: such as sexual mouth inflammation, ulcer sex mouth infection such as tobacco.

3) systemic disease oral said: (1) the infectious diseases such as measles, scarlet fever: such as secondary mouth inflammation, glossitis, etc. (2) the absence of sex disease. Nutrition, such as lack of vitamin B and vitamin C and lack of cause gingivitis, glossitis, etc. (3). Blood diseases: such as leukemia, granulocyte deficiency and secondary gingivitis and necrosis how to treat cold soresof the oral mucosa. (4). Metabolism and endocrine disorder factors: the mouth of the secondary diabetes inflammation, pregnancy sex gingivitis, menstrual sex gingivitis, etc. (5). Other such as atopic mouth inflammation, mercury toxic gingivitis, etc.

Often accompanied by mouth bitter, dry mouth, your breath was sore, gum swelling and pain, constipation, a DuoZhong or the effects of the hot like, some patients with bad breath. Role in time. Had better be to choose authoritative experts shall not take effect, use, otherwise easy relapse, and even cause human body other zang-fu organs disorders and imbalances, and then bring serious consequence.

Ovarian cyst at the natural disposition is such as follicular cyst

2. Cystic ovarian tumors were small person such as 6 cm or so or medium size such as cystic teratoma benign tumor, etc.

3. Young or not up to postmenopausal women with bilateral benign ovarian tumor person.

Operation effect 】 【
Starting in June 2008, XiJing hospital medical insurance by the city center, in the original health care access audit foundation, increased its "single disease settlement" authority, from now on, every main patients to hospital medical insurance XiJing do surgery, single disease all can enjoy "go Dutch in part by the hospital" preferential subsidies, even in the hospital patients with food and so on project cost, the hospital will give subsidies.

According to information, can enjoy surgery single diseases including: subsidies of uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst, gallstones (laparoscopic surgery), hernia, appendicitis, lumbar intervertebral disc, etc. Due to the hospital for the extremely poor patients in the relief for most of last year, the benefits of participating in the activity in patients with as many as 3000 people.
The operation result is positive, can amount to radical purpose, postoperative many without sequelae.

Contraindications 】 【

1. The tumor is too big, symptoms of ovarian cystsno normal oarian tissue.

2. Happened infection with a serious around cyst tumor and adhesion, ovarian tissue has no obvious, eliminate border between people.

3. Doubt the malignant.

【 methods 】 anesthesia

Anesthesia epidural or lumbar hemp, not the general anesthesia with feasible.

Sep 13, 2011

Ovarian cyst patients much attention to improve health care

Shanghai huangpu district hospital, director of the center of gynecological MaFei said, uterine fibroids "was" with patients relapse main endocrine disorder that the root cause of the operation, though the removal of the disease, but the disease is still there and internal environment so easy relapse. In addition, the operation is easy to hurt reproductive endocrine system, cause menstruation to be not moved, mottle increase, accelerated aging, etc.

"Uterine fibroids patients need change daily habits, health care, can improve a positive auxiliary therapy effect, but also need to regulate endocrine balance, to control the narrow cyst, prevent recurrence fibroids." Horse say doctors.
A lot of uterine fibroids early have no symptoms, general just B ultrasound examination found. Beijing CiKang hospital experts remind: hope every women can hold at least once a year, make gynaecology fibroids can be found early, convenient treatment, early treatment is the effect of it.

Beijing CiKang hospital laparoscopic system is a set of the domestic and international advanced technology and image display technology endoscopy in a medical equipment. In the endoscopic turn like system has a view Angle, high resolution, brightness, imaging features such as strong clear, TV camera system with high resolution, high sensitivity and other characteristics, it truly reproduce the endoscope acquisition of the image, but dynamic display and video cavity diseased tissue, treatment process and medical records archive. Laparoscopic techniques set inspection, the diagnosis, operation and treatment for an organic whole, apply to the inspection and DuoZhong gynecological disease diagnosis and treatment, almost include all of gynecological surgery, and laparoscopic surgery has small trauma, less painful, quick recovery, no advantages, favored by the vast number of scar of women's welcome.
Horse physicians specializing in fibroids, cystic research and clinical work 40 DuoNian, successively by the Chinese medicine gynecological tumors authority PanChi, Mr Chua's seventh generation successor Shanghai gynecological CaiXiaoSun the country such as old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, DuoCi by Shanghai municipal science and technology achievement prizes. Mr Ma said, prevent illness relapse, fibroids, cysts patients had better use method of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine at present Shanghai modulation of such diseases using the "gynecological kidney ShuGan XieYu spleen, and elimination of the innovation of the silting [diagnosis and treatment scheme for a major breakthrough treatment, has accumulated more than 30000 cases of successful clinical cases.

Sep 8, 2011

She never questioned two checklists

According to wear lady speaking, three years ago, have ovarian tumor know the problem. But then he had pregnancy, childbirth and natural labor, you didn't follow tumor excision. However, when the doctor told her to removing the tumor anytime.

After that, she put all the focus on raising baby, also didn't put the tumors seriously. Later, she had to go to a hospital inspection, but they told her tumor is gone. Play there, a woman really think no wrong. But recent six months, a woman to find your belly is more and more big, the appearance perspective is like pregnancy, action, as are not up to the body and even others to help.

"I have a problem, and sought material, Internet, their symptoms and the somebody else than the more afraid of Vietnam..." A woman identified themselves are malignant, so he took the child to travel, want to give children leave some good memories......
"After the diagnosis", she took his son to travel and eat a variety of delicious of...... Desire is completed to the hospital medical attention.
But to admission, her belly as she quadruplets....... So big 5
Results the doctor told her, she had ovarian cyst, whether malignant tumor, but not sure because delay treatment, cyst has grown to more than the lavatory!!!!!
Six months ago found belly getting too big
Yesterday morning, the 202th hospital of the people's liberation army (PLA) in obstetrics and gynecology, just finish operation of a day look very relaxed. Wearing ladies
Wear lady 34, shenyang, a few days ago stand like with 5 big belly multiple hospital, many pregnant women look at her belly is too big, in the inspection of the active member let all may wear, ms and not pregnant, belly is big because of long tumors.
"Three years ago I am pregnant, found that examined the ovary has a diameter of 7 cm cyst. Later is natural labor can't by cyst, put it removed....... I was ill after played antiphlogistic needle, check of ovarian cyst disappeared, and said I was quite happy, just forget cyst job." A woman said, two years old son, she found him weight sharp increase, like the same breath. Six months ago, she found the belly become big change drum, still pretty hard.
"You of the tumor, this say, that said not, you will no doubt?" For the reporter's question, wearing ladies some embarrassed: "all is the doctor says, I believe bai, the most is, from the bottom of my heart, I fear long thing, so, the somebody else say no and believe bai."

The doctor conjure

5 centimeters lavatory take out small mouth large tumors

Mention the hospital surgery, a woman said, if not a doctor MengJinEr advised his relatives, or may continue to long. After a series of detailed examination, the doctor sure wear lady's ovarian cyst already by the original benign evolution into border sex tumour, again not surgery, may at any time evil change. And in August 29,, the 202 hospital maternity LiJu director himself for a lady surgery. The tumor is too large, even if the belly, open open the patient's whole belly also can't access, the feeling be nasty, or under LiJu director in patients with lower abdominal a 5 centimeters small mouth, then use the attractor destruction of cyst, and the inside of the mediastinum organization break, and then take capsule fluid. The day of surgery for an hour), a doctor from wearing ladies belly out 17 kilograms capsule, after shrink after form of liquid of skin and 1 kilogram or. Afterwards, the doctor, and then roughly calculated polycystic liquid enough water bottle filled with 34.

Such great cyst is domestic rare

This patient told the doctor, she was feeling abdomen increase, bag piece existence more than 3 years, and the colour to tip: pelvic huge cyst. August 25,, director of the admission with maternity LiJu examination found that patients abdomen, waist circumference alues grand of 120 cm.
A woman said, just start found a big belly, children don't a person to take, her illness just drag. And his son on a kindergarten, her belly is like 5 months pregnant women; To the hospital, she lay down over before all asking for help.
"I am afraid, surfing the Internet to find that all the points to is malignant tumors. I think I and a malignant tumor to the girl symptoms exactly the same, pictures are like. I crash, that you must be not a few days to live," said ms wear, she never thought to the hospital diagnosis, the husband for her all not line. She is afraid to the hospital cannot get out. "I was thinking is, oneself do not have much time to take a good boy."
From the end of may this year began, a woman began with a son to travel. "I have been to the sea, with children with children go to the park, to climb the mountain, take him to the aquarium, museum, take him eat a variety of delicious... anyway, I can think of for son." A woman said, with a son to play three months, and the family account well past, she was in the hospital with her husband come down to.
August 29, 10:00, surgery, which lasted one hour started 30 points. Intraoperative exploration left ovarian cyst, for ovarian cysts symptoms great DuoGe cysts lined by large cysts lined up, within the range for thick sticky liquid, intraoperative resection patients on the left side of the accessories, and profile control agent right ovary, left ovarian cyst weight of 36 jins, frozen results indicate: left ovarian benign lesions, local border with significant change, the right ovary benign lesions. At present, the patient had no any discomfort.

Sep 7, 2011

The climax of the patients with a doctor

The climax of the patients with a doctor. According to information, only a week last week in the department of obstetrics and gynecology clinic patients it has more than 2700 passengers, more experts, minimally invasive technology new, good reputation, service efficiency, such as free clinics is the activity at the site popular, the main reason for the parties patients.

College students do women go check

Yesterday, reporters from "military medical dedication month" free clinics that, a lot of the female friends while this yizhen to for a comprehensive gynecological examination, to nip in the bud. Last Sunday, tianjin university a dormitory of six girls just from outside the back to school, they meet came to the clinic, gynecology and obstetrics's exams. "We learned from newspaper now disease of department of gynaecology onset ages present trend, so that the young army hospital free clinic, we are coming together to do check, this is also responsible for yourself." A man surnamed zhao girl said to the author. Xiao li the check out the body have a chocolate cyst, "I always had dysmenorrhea symptoms, the doctor says the cyst is caused by the pain." A few days ago, doctors have for xiao li arranged for Mr Locke navigation microelectrode surgery, more than 20 minutes in outpatient service can be completed surgery, don't need surgery and hospital, won't hold her the school starts.
According to information, laparoscopic surgery in airtight basin in the abdominal cavity, trauma patients far smaller than the abdominal surgery, in the past, the traditional operation such as ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy, surgery, patients need to 24 hours to bed activities, the need balm, the postoperative 3 ~ 7 days to move freely, and in with laparoscopic surgery patients who underwent the bed, can be activities, most patients need not take balm, the average after one day to be able to move freely, and does not have the urination, exhaust obstacles.

Gynecologic experts told reporters, laparoscopic surgery patients hospitalized five days on average, and abdominal surgery in hospital the same average for 11 days, preoperative day in hospital bed and speed up the turnover shortened. No matter how complex laparoscopic surgery is not the need for a longer length of hospital stay, the day in hospital obvious abdominal surgery in short.
DaGongMei health due to people

Like six sisters do as active gynaecology of women have very high health consciousness, can prevent it. However, there are still quite a few patients but not value gynaecology, from "military medical dedication month" yizhen activities of the statistical data, found that nearly thirty percent of migrant women in delay treatment. "The delay of the best time to do minimally invasive surgery, finally had to surgical resection uterus, ovarian organ such as the patients, and found that disease progression, young, still has life hung by a thread." 254 obstetrics and gynecology hospital director JiRongYi regrets ground say.

Sep 5, 2011

The climax of the patients with a doctor

The climax of the patients with a doctor. According to information, only a week last week in the department of obstetrics and gynecology clinic patients it has more than 2700 passengers, more experts, minimally invasive technology new, good reputation, service efficiency, such as free clinics is the activity at the site popular, the main reason for the parties patients.

College students do women go check

Yesterday, reporters from "military medical dedication month" free clinics that, a lot of the female friends while this yizhen to for a comprehensive gynecological examination, to nip in the bud. Last Sunday, tianjin university a dormitory of six girls just from outside the back to school, they meet came to the clinic, gynecology and obstetrics's exams. "We learned from newspaper now disease of department of gynaecology onset ages present trend, so that the young army hospital free clinic, we are coming together to do check, this is also responsible for yourself." A man surnamed zhao girl said to the author. Xiao li the check out the body have a chocolate cyst, "I always had dysmenorrhea symptoms, the doctor says the cyst is caused by the pain." A few days ago, doctors have for xiao li arranged for Mr Locke navigation microelectrode surgery, more than 20 minutes in outpatient service can be completed surgery, don't need surgery and hospital, won't hold her the school starts.
According to information, laparoscopic surgery in airtight basin in the abdominal cavity, trauma patients far smaller than the abdominal surgery, in the past, the traditional operation such as ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy, surgery, patients need to 24 hours to bed activities, the need balm, the postoperative 3 ~ 7 days to move freely, and in with laparoscopic surgery patients who underwent the bed, can be activities, most patients need not take balm, the average after one day to be able to move freely, and does not have the urination, exhaust obstacles.

Gynecologic experts told reporters, laparoscopic surgery patients hospitalized five days on average, and abdominal surgery in hospital the same average for 11 days, preoperative day in hospital bed and speed up the turnover shortened. No matter how complex laparoscopic surgery is not the need for a longer length of hospital stay, the day in hospital obvious abdominal surgery in short.
DaGongMei health due to people

Like six sisters do as active gynaecology of women have very high health consciousness, can prevent it. However, there are still quite a few patients but not value gynaecology, from "military medical dedication month" yizhen activities of the statistical data, found that nearly thirty percent of migrant women in delay treatment. "The delay of the best time to do minimally invasive surgery, finally had to surgical resection uterus, ovarian organ such as the patients, and found that disease progression, young, still has life hung by a thread." 254 obstetrics and gynecology hospital director JiRongYi regrets ground say.

Think it's fine as long as sebaceous gland

Some patients with ovarian cyst in fell ill, would be in such a error, and think it's fine as long as sebaceous gland. To this, the second artillery force general hospital of PLA gynecological QinNing, doctors say patients in the treatment of ovarian cyst excision ovarian when not blindly.

As a female's unique ovarian reproductive organs, the secretion of the hormone estrogen and progestin to women have an important role. Excision ovarian endocrine disorders can lead to women, accelerate ageing.
Laparoscopic surgery to make social, unit, three aspects of economic burden on patients with ease, is a very good choice.

Beijing CiKang hospital patients for a doctor to offer the most convenient and implementing "no holiday outpatient service", and establish a patient as the center of scientific layout and convenient treatment process to realize the reasonable, DaoYi service of the green channel, try our best to create comfortable, warm green garden, the establishment of good faith, medical understanding, harmonious medical environment.
And ErBao gynecological latest introduction of the navigation microelectrode system is specially for the treatment of ovarian cyst and design, and it can be in navigation technology guidance, the clear see lesion site, accurate positioning, no damage to the surrounding organs.

And because of the way into the cavity through natural, suck out of the capsule of the cyst liquid, not operation, no more won't injure ovarian, scar. According to information, by a few days ago, the technology has been successfully for thousands of patients healed ovarian cyst.

Aug 31, 2011

Got ovarian cyst should be how to treat

Women have ovarian cyst should be how to treat? Wuhan love of infertility hospital expert introduction, some women ovarian cyst is physiology sex, can be natural retreat, don't need treatment, some women is ovarian cystic neoplasm, this should take removed surgically.

Endometriosis lesions occur in ovarian cysts form on, because cyst can also be found in dark brown sticky paste old blood, be like chocolate, so also says ovarian chocolate cyst, it usually appears as dysmenorrhea, with each menstrual cramps, cyst gradually increase blood, cyst gradually increasing, sometimes even rupture.
Ovarian chocolate capsule have is not, but due to the tumor had dysmenorrhea also impact fertility, patients often very pain, so once suspected, ovarian chocolate cyst should seek medical treatment as soon as possible drug therapy and operation.

Still have a kind of situation is ovarian tumors, benign and malignant points. Benign tumors usually appears as unilateral cyst, activities, exterior smooth, growth slow. Malignant tumor performance for bilateral sex or unilateral, solid or pouch or solid, the uneven surface. But sometimes good malignant tumor in clinical it is difficult to tell.

Ovarian cyst is cystic ovarian tumor with ovarian tumor samples the floorboard of the lesion. Ovarian tumors or tumor-like disorders, also called the in-laws natural disposition is ovarian cyst, occurs in women of child-bearing age, including follicular cyst, lutein cyst, flavin, polycystic ovarian cyst and ovarian chocolate cyst.
Most of the available in two months to disappear, do not need special treatment.

Gynecological census and ultrasound examination of ovarian cyst when found rate is very high, for less than 5 cm in diameter of ovarian cyst, patients don't worry or fear, but should they were followed for 1 to 2 months. As for a living rational cyst, usually will disappear naturally.

If cyst persist, and increase, should consider to have the possibility of cystic ovarian tumor. Ovarian cystic neoplasm, had a benign and malignant cent, are unable to subsidise, should be early surgery.

Ovarian chocolate cyst can pregnant

People with ovarian chocolate cyst is a and painful things, and for want of pregnant women for friends is great pain, so, ovarian chocolate cyst influences pregnant?
Ovarian chocolate cyst is the formation of the membrane in ovarian since in a blood "would still be", but because in ovarian symptoms in heart beats for years, not a permanent retention, the old blood capsule form bag.
Because the old heart beats, with blood can't time add, blood is more and more, capsule is also more and more, and then the eve of the bag has a chance to separate itself, stimulate the abdominal pain, and even cause abortion and infertility.

Follicular cyst is divided into physiological and pathological two kinds, physiologic cyst is because of your follicle ovulation, not break caused in after menstruation ends can disappear naturally; So, you can be in this time period to doing B to exceed know whether cyst disappeared; If it is not of oviposit follicular cyst, can choose 3-5 days in menstruation do sex hormones six checkpoints, diagnosis why not burst follicle. Generally speaking, when diameter less than 5 cm cyst, patients were allowed to cross over, check regularly, if cyst increased are considering removed surgically.

Ovarian cancer may affect not only, even if the pregnancy is pregnant may also be on pregnancy a bad influence. Ovarian cyst in May cause abortion, when results are easy to occur when the second trimester of ovarian cyst's late twist and turn, pregnancy cyst can lead to abnormal shorter lengths TaiWei childbirth, blocking the birth canal may cause during childbirth.
Cyst shift or rupture happen, main show is acute abdominal disease acute abdominal pain, some with nausea vomiting, such as temperature, serious and even shock. If large cysts or acute abdominal pain, it must appear operation; Vice cyst is small, no more than 5 cm in diameter, it depends. Happened after ovarian cyst, we first make clear the property of cyst, is physiology sex or pathology sex, it is benign or malignant.

In ovarian cyst is more common tumors or tumor-like disorders of kind is, one of the most common ovarian follicles cyst and corpus luteum cyst, for childbearing age see more, general diameter less than 5 cm, the wall is thin, the size and the menstrual cycle, usually in the middle period after gradually grow up, and after menstrual cramps shrink or disappear, cyst most in 2 months disappear, may not be special treatment. As a follow-up 1-2 menstrual cycle without narrowing or even increase, should consider to ovarian tumor may, need to further examination.
Pregnancy pelvic congestion, can make the tumor increased rapidly or even cause the progression, and pregnant surgery may be more beneficial than pregnancy surgery. If already pregnant, in 16 to 24 weeks of gestation-when the operation is appropriate, the operation itself does not affect fetal development, but 12 weeks gestation operation easy cause miscarriage, late pregnancy is more difficult operation and easy to cause the premature birth. Other deserves careful, ovarian chocolate cyst recurrence risk as much as 60% or more, but if once a successful pregnancy, but will alleviate symptoms of ovarian chocolate cyst.

Aug 29, 2011

Morning paper test with oviposit period

With oviposit must pay attention to the test paper method

Proper use of the method can get more accurate results. Ovulation dipstick test women is convenient and effective method is oviposit period. But when using some matters need attention.

In the urine of LH induces luteum hormone) can't represent real value. Of a day morning, 1 don't use urine. Because of the accumulation of urine after a night. Test ovulation is the best time of 10 p.m. to early 8 PM.

2 test 2 hours before don't drink lots of water or beverage. Testing in the use of the urine collection vessel to keep clean.

Every day the same moment best detection. 3 from menstrual cramps on day 10 began testing.

10 to 20 minutes observation results, and the test of the paper will have 4 arrow marks the end of the line in the urine (liquid surface insurmountable with the MA X-ray test paper about three seconds) take out after lie flat. Results to 30 minutes reading shall prevail.

The children's hospital completed three general surgery patients baby young boy laparoscopic ovarian cyst eliminate surgery. Among them, the recently. 6 years old kiki (a pseudonym) ovarian cyst, 14 cm in diameter on 2 cases of only 2 months, the children of the baby is ovarian cyst treatment pregnant mother antenatal examination found that the fetus has celiac cystic bag piece, born more than one month when QiuZhi hospital.

Ovulation before 3 days (sperm and egg) to ovulation three days after (eggs and sperm) within a room has the possibility of pregnancy. 5 when oviposit dipstick test to strong positive (two bar as deep as or second bar than the first bar deeper) instructions will be 24 to 48 hours in ovulation.

Aug 25, 2011

Now already is 4 into rehabilitation

Problem four into rehabilitation girl

Since 2009, qingpu drug control social work ChenChen only one year older than snow. Snow became assist object. From then on, for michelle, food registered permanent residence is head of important things into my hand.

Both sides were quickly set up their new family. Although court decisions with father life, michelle, michelle, parents after divorce. Primary school 2-3 grade, snow or with the mother life for a while. Later, due to the lack of bundles michelle and the social personnel began to associate gradually, 13 years old, others, tempted by first taking drugs.

Then a shield, once the drugs. Snow has four times into rehabilitation so. ChenChen first contact with snow, snow is the third time the drug rehabilitation. With no registered permanent residence, snow many should enjoy the rights of all cannot enjoy.

Drug rehabilitation center in, ChenChen from michelle said: in August 2010. He has tried to arrange for her household, but soon, in October, snow and to enter into the drug rehabilitation center. Everything can only run aground.

Problems, but the registered permanent residence. Soon as this year July 26, the fourth time michelle from drug rehabilitation center in and became so urgent. This time, rehabilitation to snow in check-up found michelle has 11 cm, in the body of ovarian tumors, and still suffering from hepatitis b, c disease. With no id card, snow to the doctor can only all the expenses.

Early August, ChenChen beginning to collect need to arrange the data of census register. Will hand can master all information submitted to the local police station. A birth certificate, parents divorce judgment, birthplace of proof, the school that growth.

ChenChen this several days again to Shanghai radio "direct the 990 for help. In order to get attention.

Aunt shelter. Michelle, good

1 year after age do a B to exceed

A child because abdominal pain to small XiaoHuaKe hospital doctor, wang bin accepts cases. Several days no find the cause, to children's hospital by b-ultrasonography examination found that is ovarian cyst, but at the moment, ovarian have necrotic tissue can't save, so must excised the ovaries. Fortunately, only one side, otherwise the ovary removal of the future child's ability to bear children are affected. Fetal period of ovarian cyst can be found by antenatal examination and acquired ovarian cyst can also through the B ultrasonic examination found that suggests the girl after the age of 1, have an annual abdominal inspection. Wang bin said that, at present, ovarian cyst was taken out of the minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery under general anesthesia for children to the more security, surgery can be completed within one hour, generally 3 to 4 days can recover from the hospital.

Prevent family clothing shuffle

Health protection improper, don't think that adult women will have gynaecology. The little girl may also be affected. P124, accepts ovarian cysts symptoms the girls said, every day is more than ten cases of patients with both the bacterial infection, vaginitis also have fungal infections, main and parents care about inappropriate. There has been a recent two three or four little girls because red, itchy vulvae doctor, through inspection for trichomonad sex vaginitis, ask parents later read, adult child in the clothes in the washing machine, and the shuffle child is the whole family laundry basin of bath, caused the cross infection.

Speaking of snow, snow now by his own aunt stayed at home. YangAYi is very sad and says michelle has this day is the lack of affection of the results. The parents of the snow indeed should not have, so DuoNian, incredibly never to give his daughter meinen wohnsitz anmelden.

Snow parents seldom tube she later found out that she take drugs, since the beginning and social symptoms of ovarian cysts perssonel without fixed duties michelle association after. Want to tube too late YangAYi said.

Snow is the third time in, YangAYi from drug rehabilitation center said. Michelle had given snow mother found a supermarket the assistant's job, but with no to get the monkey off, snow and not to feel at ease, soon after the mother of abnormal again will her to the rehabilitation.

There has been no housing, snow mother sick. Life is more difficult. YangAYi said: a look at the situation, was immediately decided to snow in the home, willing to take care of her

Each drug rehabilitation center in, from michelle said. All don't know where to live. Said to her symptoms of ovarian cysts , parents do not responsible, but don't hate he must be responsible for myself, and the drugs quit, there will be a bright future of YangAYi said, every time she with snow about home to her family does too little, snow tears from time to time. Snow is actually a very simple and good children.

Ovarian cysts or tumors can traction fallopian tube

3 eggs, - tube uterus the women

Happen - eggs tube endometriosis of women, such as its - endometriosis happened in fallopian tube stenosis department or interstitial department, can lead to tubal lumen more narrow or obstruction, and difficult to pass a fertilized egg, and in - eggs in the bed development.

In addition, the fertilized egg to narrow department or interstitial department and ectopic son - lining at contact, also easy to implant and the development, form ectopic pregnancy.

4, with pelvic tumor of women
General surgery of doctor of vice director of wang bin told reporters, in recent years, ovarian cyst of children age increases year after year, and the trend of the present more and more small, general surgery of the ovarian cyst eliminate art is more than ten cases in three or four years old, young children in the majority. Wang bin think cases on the increase may be hospital patients increases year after year, disease detection rate rise; On the other hand, the pathogeny of ovarian cyst a lot, not only for reasons unknown, and the children the hormone levels, but about whether and of meat, fish, eggs food in the breeding process, animal feed, need to add hormone relevant related experts for further textual research.

In may, when the mass pelvic because of the mass traction, leading to squeezing or uterus or the position of the fallopian tube, and even make its move structure to change. These changes will hinder the normal often fertilized eggs to the uterus cavity.

For example, in the bottom of the uterine fibroids can influence a smooth tube - eggs, block the fertilized egg ovarian cyst treatment successfully to the uterus cavity; Ovarian cysts or tumors can traction fallopian tube make its produce ectopic or deformation and hinder the fertilized eggs by, leading to the fertilized egg in uterine development.

Return to normal life in orbit

From the age of 13 started to touch the pressure drug mixed)

That is more more sighs: at the age of 2, social work ChenChen words is appalling. It's hard to imagine that a 13-year-old girl how can and drugs together. A light snow story. Her parents divorced, light snow was sentenced to give father supported, elementary school and life with his mother. Then his mother remarried, father marry again, more the lack of a family care. Light snow Light snow said, father, mother, but from a live the life of a stray. Can't remember who drugs, but from then on she seems never leave this circle

Once a drug reasons, to tell the truth. Subjective reason or oneself, oneself were not normal life. No place to live, no new circle. So a few times before, often come back with the so-called poison before friends together for a long time, and will go to the way.

Rare adolescence gynecological disease and menstrual disorders, overweight breast early development, precocious puberty "anorexia nerosa, etc. In addition.

Parents should pay attention to girls' personal hygiene, p124 Suggestions. Prevent family clothing shuffle or personal wash gargle share. Girls is especially important, care should be paid attention to wipe clean after urine. The other should often teach children should not into the vaginal foreign body will be. Adolescent girl's mother should give the child adolescent knowledge, prevent explain period vigorous exercise and cold food.

Light snow again left a drug rehabilitation center and in a month ago. Community rehabilitation. At the same time diagnosed with ovarian cyst and hepatitis c, need to heal. However, father and mother all symptoms of ovarian cysts respectively established family, not willing to take care of light snow responsibility. When helpless and despair to light snow again hit, the aunt lend a hand, ready to take her home, take her to see a doctor.

Drugs again and again, like this coming all the way. The family gave her concern is a few thought it was the era before she is now the body so land bad, still like this in the future, then the life all damaged

Faced with high medical costs, my aunt assistance allows light snow feel the warmth of have long time no see. However. Family not poor aunt conundrum to start. Light snow was born in zhao lane, parents are qingpu, but because the cause of childhood parents, has not been registered permanent residence, rural medical peace more mentioned, all of the cost of treatment need to take care of oneself. Light snow and social work to civil administration department for help, and the citizens political officials said, only to solve problems, talent registered permanent residence out the work.

Including her social guarantee, after registered permanent residence. Including civil administration relief and so on various aspects of it according to relevant policy can do at least at the time she spent her current problems can be, and then back again according to the situation of the body and her drug rehabilitation, and can help she introduces a suitable job and settle down.

Aug 24, 2011

The incidence of childbirth caesarean section increase

According to the report, in recent years, increasing the incidence of childbirth laparotomy. According to statistics, most of the women's hospital has 10-30% of the production method is to belong to use lower uterine segment cesarean section was to childbirth.
What is a caesarean section delivery?
At laparotomy CaesareanDelivery) is through childbirth (in the abdominal wall as the way to operate on production, this is because when waiting for natural birth but endanger the life of the mother and fetus, the emergency fetal childbirth in vitro, then there must be why the doctor will choose caesarean section delivery for maternal delivery and caesarean section? The following is required to choose caesarean section of childbirth index:
1, fetal distress: this is due to the lack of oxygen and fetus is in danger, and it is also possible that state early death, if less than 120 / min heartbeat is more critical.
2 fetus, too: the fetus is too heavy to volume by pelvic production. For example: diabetes mother will have too big obstacles. Fetus
2. Chronic cervicitis: mainly for increased leucorrhea, pain, bladder and bowel symptoms and menstrual irregular, dysmenorrhea, pelvic heaviness, etc.
3. Uterine fibroids: mainly for heavy menstrual periods, abdominal mass, menstrual extension, abdominal pain, frequency, urgency, increased leucorrhea, anemia, constipation symptoms. Current treatments uterine fibroids have the most advanced technology from the United States without treatment technology and solidified the sword. The technology has not operation, don't be in hospital, kept the advantage of the uterus to mothers, reduce the a lot of pain.

3, pelvic too little: some figure too small for the small pelvic mother was not enough space for the fetus by pelvic production.
4, not the right TaiWei: the correct production should be fetuses to come out first. And not the right arm TaiWei such as first in BreechPresentation type (naked), face first in FacePresentation type (naked), the pillow TransversePosition), etc. (a
5, mild pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome: people with high blood pressure and proteinuria, edema syndrome mother, fetal will not from the placenta adequate nutrition and oxygen, also can't withstand the pressure of the production process.
6, natural production process can't continue to progress: because mother uterine contractions degree is weak, the cervix, the baby can't output expanded enough.
7, fetal immature: immature fetus is weak, usually less than 36 weeks, and the fetus is less than 5 pounds, can withstand the pressure of natural birth.
8, the fetus than the actual volume in small: no sound placenta cause fetal nutrition and oxygen supply shortage resulting in fetal weak, than the actual figure in small.
9, lead the placenta and say: if the placenta attached to the placenta low in the womb is too low will cause bleeding site and blocking the fetus was born channel.

Women want to be careful whether breast fully cooked

Three, and use of the beauty products is by joining estrogen to achieve tender skin effect, the long-term use of these hairdressing product will cause uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst, mammary gland disease such as disease of department of gynaecology produce.
Four, some women in order to keep figure than birth or after the birth to mammals, this would also increase the chance of developing breast cancer.
Self-check, is the best breast check method. Can always save money, simple, and also cutting out a lot of awkward. Women from about the age of 24 best start training regularly breast self-examination, the habit.
Menopausal syndrome: mainly for menstrual gradually reduce, plant nerve function disorder, heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, obesity, lower limb swelling, joint pain, osteoporosis, etc.
6. Ovarian tumor: most no symptoms, or with loss of appetite, gastrointestinal tract symptoms such as abdominal distension, often overlooked. Ovarian cyst quickly grow up and have an irregular vaginal bleeding and angular, anemia cachexia.

And then in a long period of time, such as half a year or one season went to the hospital to make a formal examination. If it is found that the mammary gland hyperplasia, should be three months went to the hospital to check again.

Aug 23, 2011

Endocrine factors are common the pathogeny of ovarian cyst

1 endocrine factors is the rare the pathogeny of ovarian cyst: quite early menarche (12) time before menopause after age 50, and after frequency, application on promoting the ovulation agent more than three cycle (when using, should with your doctor discussion) precocious puberty or masculine and so on also with ovarian cyst of the disease.
Then forms the body normal cells oxygen down, and 2 ZuZhiYe acidification is also body the pathogeny of ovarian cyst: body cells are acidic body fluids. Cause cell activity drop, metabolism slows down, down to normal circulation 65% of normal cells, could not survive, but also have to take the initiative to change the chromosome mutation cells, cells phenotypes change, tumor character to be expressed, these cells quickly, so as to form the real amplification tumor entity.
Every day a shit twenty people ovarian cyst treatmentsave one breast cells growth unusual. American medical experts through to the more than 1000 women put forward the detection.
4 and 1 people among breast cell growth unusual. But less than two times a week the shit.
And this hyperplasia is often early breast cancer lesions. So, this kind of dysplastic breast cells often said for breast and ductal epithelial hyperplasia of not typical. 10 million do not look down upon constipation, may have been a big problem.
High cholesterol diet, and vitamin ACE lack, smoking, ionizing radiation and other environmental factors and its involved; 3 the pathogeny of ovarian cyst also include environmental factors: dietary structure is not reasonable.
The whole human body function drops, 4 temporary diet structure is also the pathogeny of ovarian cyst: bad habits, psychological stress factors such as physical excessive acidification. Cause kidney empty, kidney and liver, kidney homologous ovarian cyst pathological deficiency, and cause liver also virtual under-focusing the metabolic circulation slow, cause ovarian endocrine disorder, disease and immune function decline.

Abdomen is one of the most sexy woman of the position

In traditional Chinese medicine called "god que" foreign doctors clinical found, navel and name your belly button. From the shape of the belly button can be seen health or not, as detailed below.
Almost became a top up of the triangle. Have this navel, shape: your belly button up extend upward. Should pay more attention to the stomach, gallbladder, pancreas health.
Shape: should pay attention to prevent down suffering from gastroptosis, constipation, chronic intestines and stomach disease and gynecological diseases.
Women said that a healthy body, the circular: if your belly button is round. Ovarian function is good; While men said energy fully, blood pressure normal, intestines are very healthy.
Of doctor of vice director of p124 also had many cases of ovarian cyst and ovarian cancer cases. Adolescent ovarian cyst is probably caused by the development period functional cyst, children's hospital adolescence gynecological clinic, only a month. Begin After a period of time to be able to, but should pay attention to subsidise regularly, and prevent cyst burst. P124 reminding parents, ovarian tumor more difficult to find early, should be on the alert. If the children often have lower abdominal discomfort with early breast, development, precocious puberty "and so on, may be caused by the hormone secretion tumor should consider doing B to exceed an examination. If a tumor continue to exist or increase, often" surely do "may be malignant tumors.
Should pay attention to. The sea ovarian cysts symptoms serpents for cirrhosis of the liver: signs of the disease.
Abdominal elastic, full reward month shape: it looks strong heavy full figure. For women is ovarian function good characterization.
Navel left: should prevent intestines and stomach function not beautiful, constipation or e. mucosal lesions.
Your belly button to the right: should pay attention to hepatitis, duodenal ulcer and other diseases.
Your belly button will be out. Your belly button protruding: when abdomen has a large water or ovarian cyst.
If contract adhesion of tuberculous peritonitis, navel depression: obese or abdomen inflammation. Navel to inner sag.
Show hilum often cost with health
The chill, navel is not scattered to the outside the human body resistance to the parts of the weak. A woman in LouQiZhuang frozen out of the disease to dress. Add spring bacteria is strong, the person of the reproductive abate, wear resistance LouQiZhuang because the abdomen, easy cause gastric bowel function bare the disorder, cause invasion by pathogenic bacteria.

Aug 22, 2011

Time to dig a navel son secretly

Your belly button is a "cover door" one chuo fighting skill void
Although do not have what contribution navel, but it can TongLouZi, once infected, the bacteria will go all the way to the liver liver round ligament, causing internal infection. Especially baby, liver round as the blood vessels that ligament function is not completely over, still remain part of the blood circulation, infection down blood circulation will run faster.
Do not seem to luxuriant guia la bruna but give a person the sweet girl another temperament, guia la bruna advocate natural, comfortable, healthy, stereo fit in the cut is its biggest characteristics. Low-key costly and concise perfect combination, pay attention to build enchanting visual sense. A price in about $750 left right, also in more than 5000 RMB, it should be the most costly girl underwear brand.
Happened with other place navel inflammation is different. Normally, if have germs invasion, lymphocytes to germs will attack and defense. But no, if your ovarian cysts symptoms belly button lymphoid tissue inflammation, can only get the darling drops, and then let the bacteria ravaged all the way to the liver infection.
So, ZhangWen doctors say, navel is a "cover door", as practice iron cloth shan cover, admiralty, bulletproof, but only cover all door, if be heavy, ovarian cysts symptomspoke, immediately void fighting skill. Navel is like "cover the major weakness as door".
Navel is absolutely LaoChao bacteria
Researchers at the university of north Carolina in human navel found 1400 different strains, of ovarian cysts symptoms which nearly half had never seen before, and some species in the sea to find only.
So, navel in addition to dig, don't disorderly will still have to clean, or you'll put the bacterial feed with a full stomach.
No.3: harm to a endocrine system disease

Men see the beauty in revealing, ovarian cysts symptoms a hormone secretion will be increased. If the anomalous hormone secretion too often, certainly will will add to the burden of the endocrine system, bring about endocrine system function disorder, or even induce organic disease.

The negative influence of induced abortion than to much bigger

So no matter from physical or symptoms of ovarian cystspsychological point of view, the negative influence of induced abortion than to much bigger.

Beijing Olympic north hospital department expert introduction: the pregnancy in within two months of stream of people called abortion, pregnancy in more than three months of stream of people called induced labor.

Three months pregnant induced labor dangerous?

3 months pregnant fetal some big, we must adopt induced labor operation, big induced labor is to point to in the method of using artificial termination of pregnancy 14-28 weeks measures. Because your cervix must be fully expansion, and at the same time the placenta and fetal bone, so has formed three months on the women's trauma induced labor and some bigger, more easily complications, such as the bleeding after delivery, the birth canal injury, amniotic fluid embolization, and easy to occur secondary infection. The extremely individual pregnant women can be induced to drug allergies, cause poisoning, even shock and serious consequences.

Beijing Olympic north hospital department experts say, three months, the fetus has induced labor basic tend to be perfect, no residue development is amniotic membranes exfoliative complete, the placenta, but not representative from complete endometrial also fall off now. This and give birth to the child to the ELou is the same, because the placenta implanted deep, cause endometriosis to womb jiceng, the cervix, because of the growth cycle and inner reasons not together, so spalling quantity is little, color is dark brown.
C.g ilson carine gilson is a famous designer in Belgium in 1994 created young underwear fashion symptoms of ovarian cysts brand, its status and as the price of it, no one can be against general, irreplaceable. Has the "create the princess grace underwear carine gilson founded" reputation for "all for the good things with a crazy woman" underwear series, meet the woman delicate, noble and sexy about all the desire.

Because the growth in the womb lining muscle level, the peeling when no successful eduction channel, so the three month induced labor will cause the lower symptoms of ovarian cysts abdomen pain, general need not treatment, if growth in ovarian easy to cause ovarian cyst, if not chocolate appearance caused unwell, also can not deal with.
One of the harm to a cardiovascular disease: system
Men see the beauty in revealing, blood flow to speed up, elevated blood pressure, heart burden, easy to cause the myocardial strain, hemal wall elasticity decreased (lead to high blood pressure). If intermittent frequently to see, also will make the heart beating fast, slow, induce and irregular heartbeats.
Harm no.2: shortens life

Men see in revealing of beauty, the heart beat faster. According to research, if not for the disease or other accident cause people dead, in a person's life is palpitant frequency of basic constant. If often see exposure beauty, heart beating fast often in state, life will be reduced.

In order to ease the three months to may have some appropriate induced labor yogurt, contains lactobacillus, can promote small intestinal absorption, and rich nutrition, be helpful for around absorption, alleviate pain. If the bleeding is big, unbearable pain can go to a hospital checking, the effects of TCM, because it is relatively good caused this disease is not very clear, and the mechanism of western medicine can only stop bleeding, anti-inflammatory treatment.

Aug 18, 2011

Refers to the internal or surface generated ovarian tumors

Simple intuitively, "ovarian cyst" is refers to ovarian internal or surface generating mass. Mass of material is usually in liquid, sometimes also may be solid, liquid or solid mixing. The volume of ovarian cyst is usually small, similar to the peas or cashew so big, also some cyst look like baseball, as even greater.
Experts say, polycystic ovarian cyst is not what disease, but a syndrome. Ovarian and powerful function is in after puberty began to emerging. Women's abundant breast, fine waist, fat buttock is concerned with ovarian excretive estrogen.
In addition, ovarian also has the monthly eduction the responsibility of an ovum. This is located in the "obscure" on a left the organ, between a full range of health. When occurrence problem of hormone level and oviposit, ovarian will get sick. Common ovarian disease has: ovarian function decline, ovarian inflammation, ovarian cyst, polycystic ovary, benign ovarian tumors and ovarian cancer.
In addition, the expert reminds, for large cysts of course should pay attention, because our ovarian itself but the size of a walnut. The following symptoms can tip ovarian cyst:
Male vulnerable to strip naked photos and the provocatively. This is because, women are "touch" type, while men are "visual" type. The man likes to see a woman naked this sexual consciousness, is by the strength of the personal inherent pornography sex and object with the ease of close to the function relation to decide. That is, the more women conceals for men, the position of the psychological the more irritating.
A, dysmenorrhea: before the period began to dysmenorrhea or dysmenorrhea growing.
Second, menstrual disorder: before the rules become no rules, menstruation often make you all thumbs.
Three, infertility, ovarian cyst is one of the lead to infertility cause. This and the size of the cyst and there is no direct relationship, the reason remains to be known.
Will play will be more happy, just and harmonious processing relationship between husband and wife, so one of the ways of new era, what are we more trick to help us keep a happy marriage? Here small make up integrated 39 healthy psychological doctor dimension plus India, and introduced the WaMi keep a happy marriage "hang".
1, marriage is their own thing.
Tradition says that marriage is two families. So many people in the treatment of the marital problems, will be consulting parents' opinions, parents can also be "active" interfere with their children's marriage. In this way, the couple's private space will have been compressed and even be control feeling. So, really happy couple, won't allow others to do for them a decision.

Endometrial cancer more concurrent ovarian cyst

1, ovarian cyst occurs in women without or did not bear woman, pregnancy on ovarian cyst is like have against the role that daily ovulation be caused by ovarian surface epithelial cells damaged repeatedly with ovarian cyst involved.
In addition, breast cancer, endometrium many concurrent ovarian cyst, the three diseases have hormone dependent, is also causes the lady ovarian cyst reasons.
2, genetic and family factors: about 30%-50% of patients with ovarian cyst in patients with cancer have immediate family.
3, environmental factors: developed countries and upper class women ovarian cancer incidence, with high cholesterol diet may be high on. In addition, ionizing radiation and asbestos, talcum powder will affect oocytes and increase induced ovarian cyst opportunity, smoking and vitamins A, C, E and the lack of may also be relevant.
In short, causing the cause of ms ovarian cyst should know, fundamentally to prevention and treatment.
"My space including marriage" and "our space". If a party has put too much emphasis on "my space", and that it will be less and less in common. Therefore, no matter how busy, want to try to take time out together, do something, such as washing the dishes together. These simple housework not take too much physical strength, but can make you in an easy atmosphere for a chat. At this point, if no emergency work, best can turn your cell phone off.
The psychological characteristics of the men decided the men like the feel of women's sexual psychology, men have strong "innate desire" contact with the opposite sex. This accord with a zoology principle: "sex behavior, only male play its enthusiasm, party a is possible." In the love of men and women, men especially want can touch women, because he hope to close feeling of the concrete expression comes out, hope in the heart to be confirmed.

Aug 17, 2011

cause mammary gland hyperplasia

Many women's life and work to bring serious influence. Most of the cyst because of ovarian function of normal change, so, if happen happened progression of ovarian cyst, there might be change for ovarian cancer, so must the early treatment. So, ovarian cyst treatment have? What are those?
Ovarian cyst treatment have? What are those? Beijing Alice gynecology hospital experts said, ovarian cyst if not that is treated, will be a serious threat to the health of the female friends. May give women bring functional cyst, skin of cyst, grout shape cyst and mucous cyst, generally no symptoms. One thousand cyst, patient may lower abdomen or back ache steadily or felt swelling.
Online advice can remove face to face the embarrassment of female friends visit feeling, in the met the warmth of patients with symptoms can be at ease, the first choice in the online consulting experts, avoid face-to-face communication produces pressure, again according to the illness choose regular hospital. At the same time, the experts will also 120 chain for patient privacy protection.

Cysts may also extrusion bladder cause urinary frequency or urination difficulties. Cysts may even have evolved into complications, infection, become distorted, bleeding or blowout. All these symptoms could cause nausea, vomiting, fever and abdominal pain, and must immediately the cyst excision surgery. This kind of cyst occasionally cancerous. In addition to feel bad appetite, weight loss, and abdominal swelling besides, ovarian cancer early usually have no symptoms. Later it will be abdomen and limb swelling phenomenon. Endometritis cyst and more classes of ovarian cyst is different, is usually have signs of disease.
Ovarian cyst treatment have? What are those? For ovarian cyst treatment depends on age, symptoms in patients with malignant change, whether the parts of the cyst, volume, size, growth rate, cause uterine accessories deformation, and whether keep reproductive function and patients wishes and other factors and decide.
Generally take the following measures to different treatment. Less than eight weeks gestation of cyst, no obvious symptoms or nearly postmenopausal women less than 12 weeks of pregnancy the size, normal, no pressure symptoms can be temporarily the observation. On every 3 months to review a, generally in postmenopausal cyst can gradually atrophic. During follow-up found cyst increase or symptoms, should consider surgery. After long-term conservative treatment is invalid or symptoms, large cysts, combined with anemia and grow quickly, should consider the treatment.
Why mammary gland hyperplasia is so high? Experts say, in clinical, generally, working pressure, nervous, stay up late to sleep more than nightlife, and poor eating habits, bring about human body factors such as endocrine disturbance, is the main reason for the high incidence of the disease. But along with the change of life and have the concept of the factors, is mammary gland hyperplasia into another major reason.
Experts say, women hormone balance, but whether abnormal key many female beautiful, and excessive use of skin beauty products, use for a long time containing estrogen cream, these contain hormone cream after the skin to absorb, can cause mammary gland hyperplasia. Experts for example, six months ago, a women's perennial thick makeup appearance results ovarian cysts symptoms serious mammary gland hyperplasia. Under the guidance of a doctor, this women stop using cosmetics two after three months, mammary gland hyperplasia disappears.

Alice gynecology hospital Wolf palace laparoscopic surgical treatment with combination of ovarian cyst image is clear, the inspection, the diagnosis rapid, accurate and reliable, is a new, minimally invasive treatment technology, gynecology, can be used for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up uterine cavity lesions. Not only can determine the laparoscopic lesions of the existing parts, size, appearance and range, and can the organizational structure of the surface of lesions ovarian cysts symptoms meticulous observation, and in direct materials or positioning GuaGong, finish at the same time disease treatment, greatly improving the palace of intra-abdominal disease diagnosis accuracy, update, development and make up for the diagnosis and treatment of the shortcomings of the traditional method.